TFs & DC Direct at Big Bad Toy Store
 December 10, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
PREDAKING - ARRIVES 12/14! I overnighted a sample from Japan that just came in this morning, our main shipments will arrive Tuesday 12/14 and pre-orders will ship out from the 14th to 16th. After inspecting the sample piece I'm happy to say its an awesome figure - die cast parts on all five figures just like the original G1 figures, tight joints, perfect stickers, complete - all things hard to achieve with a vintage Predaking! It comes in the 'briefcase' style fold open box with a handle on top and includes 5 sticker sheets, 6 tech-spec cards, instructions, and a cool larger card that shows all the re-issues and Binaltechs Takara has released in the past few years. Any orders placed now will ship along with all the pre orders on the 14th to 16th. Don't miss out on this one!
DC DIRECT - BATMAN HUSH 2: We have limited stock of these remaining after allocating stock to those who pre-ordered (pre-orders will be processed soon) This set features Superman, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing and The Joker. Overall its a very impressive set with nice detail and sculpting - available now for $59.99. We also have a variety of other DC Direct figures in stock including JLA 1 & 2, First Appearances 1 & 2 and more!
JAPANESE BEAST WARS: Its been a while since we've had any news regarding JBW, but the wait is over! We were able to acquire a nice mix of figures and offer them at attractive prices. Restocked figures include: C-3 Cheetor - $17.99, D-35 Magmatron - $34.99!!, Metals C-40 Optimus and D-40 Megatron - $22.99 each, C-31 Stampy, C-30 Corhada, D-16 Galvatron, D-24 Cyber Wolfang, S-3 Heinlad have all been restocked in quantity and 15 other various figures have been restocked in limited numbers. The D-35 Magmatron is a great value at $34.99!
STIKFAS: New Stikfas Lite Cowboys & Indians figures have just arrived! (pre-orders will be processed soon) The Cowboy and Indian figures are each available separately for $7.99 each. Also in stock is the Classic Alpha Male Royal Blue and Tan figures - $4.49 each. Stikfas has also just shipped the Legionnaire and Spaceman figures - they will be arriving next week!
SIDESHOW-WETA LOTR: Sideshow has just shipped the very cool Shelob Statue to us, we have a limited amount of pre-orders available on the pre-order menu for $174.99 each. The Grima Wormtongue Statue is back in stock for $99.99 as well. Mines of Moria, Haradhrim Soldier and other statues are also in stock.
-- HENSHIN CYBORG - Classic releases from Takara - these 12" figures are $42.99 each and come in 4 varietyes - Henshin Cyborg 1st - Gold or Silver, and King Walder 1st - Green or Red
-- AMDRIVER - Konami's latest Amdriver figures have arrived - #12 Dark Kalhole, #13 Scene Pierce and #14 Taft Klemar. Each figure is $21.99 and we also have the #09 through #11 in stock.
-- MACHINE ROBO RESCUE MUGENBINE: Two new Mugenbine arrivals - the #12 Kaiser Condor and a larger set - DX Victory Leon - which is one of the better looking figures from the line and also transforms from Robo Mode to Animal Mode to Machine & Base Mode.
-- SOUL OF CHOGOKIN: A few more GX-25 Garada K7 have arrived and the new GX-11MA Diana A is available for $59.99. We restocked a few other figures in very limited quantities including GX-18, Combattler V, and some Evangelion figures.
GUNDAM HCM PRO: Two new High Complete action figures have arrived. The #07 MS-06S Zaku II and #08 set of RX-78-3 and RX-78/CA. The #08 set features a cool double sided window box that also folds open to show more info on the figures. A variety of other HCM Pro figures, FIX figures and other Gundams are in stock.
STAR TREK VOYAGER MODEL KIT: These have just shipped to us from Japan and will be here next week - This 1/850 scale kit is available for pre-ordering for $81.99
TX 1:1 HEAD: The Terminator 3 Endoskull is back in stock. A life sized chromed robot head for $400+ is sure to be on everyone's wish list!