2004 Awards: Vote Early & Often
December 2004 - The end of the year is fast approaching, and that means that it is awards time again... go vote!
Toygodd, ??? Man, and Julius Marx of Action Figure Times are collecting votes for their annual awards. There are 20+ categories, including "best of" and "worst of" categories. Head over to one of their columns to see how to vote: Toygodd Speaks, Import Theater with ??? Man, or the Amazing Justice League of Julius Marx. Voting ends December 31st, and the votes also count as entries for prizes.
Michael's Review of the Week is gearing up for the People's Pick Awards for 2004 in many categories. Voting is not yet open, but for now you can look over the categories and suggest anything that you think is missing.
There will be several different prizes up for grabs for voters, so remember to go back once the voting begins!
The OAFEs over at OAFE.net are collecting nominations for their Toy of the Year.