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Bandai America Introduces D.I.C.E.

dice from bandai

CYPRESS, CA, December 9, 2004 - Hot on the heels of the announcement that Bandai Entertainment's new animated series D.I.C.E. would be premiering on Cartoon Network in January 2005, sister company Bandai America today announced that it would be releasing a full toy line based on the property by the premiere date. With futuristic armor called "Gildsuits," high-tech, transforming vehicles and a mysterious "Phantom Knight," the feedback to date indicates that D.I.C.E. action figures and toys are certain to make an impression on kids. Bandai plans to build on the homegrown franchise with a videogame due to be released in the Fall of 2005.

"D.I.C.E. is a huge initiative for Bandai America, and one that we hope serves as a model for future properties developed by our company," said Bill Beebe, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Bandai America Incorporated. "Few companies have their own entertainment, toy and game divisions, and that's a wonderful position for Bandai to be in-especially when nurturing a property at its launch, as we're doing with D.I.C.E."

dice from bandai
4.5-inch Jet

View ten more images of the toys.

D.I.C.E (DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises) is a large corporation established to deal with emergencies occurring throughout the Sarbylion galaxy. D.I.C.E. F-99 is the only unit comprised entirely of highly trained kids. When a problem arises, D.I.C.E is called to the rescue. And when their special training and skills aren't enough, they rely on their Dinobreakers to help get the job done. Always on call, always on alert - D.I.C.E is ready for action!

Building upon the theme of teamwork to overcome insurmountable odds, Bandai America's toy line will center on the main characters of the F-99 unit and their arsenal of state-of-the-art equipment and vehicles. Many of the toys have transforming features and dinosaur-inspired designs, which is sure to appeal to boys of all ages eager to bring the excitement of the show to life. Borrowing a page from how movies are released, a major launch program is currently in place, complete with an in-theatre trailer, print/tv advertising, and a giant promotion with Cartoon Network, all scheduled to work in conjunction with the premiere of the show.

dice from bandai
4.5-inch Phantom Knight

"The D.I.C.E. series targets boys 6-11 with cool animation and transforming toys that bring the on-screen heroes to life," said Matthew Golding, director of marketing for Bandai America Inc. "The initial fan response has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic from all age groups, ever since we first offered a glimpse of the toy prototypes at Comic-Con 2004 this past summer."

D.I.C.E. is scheduled to premiere on Cartoon Network this January, with 40 episodes currently in production. Created by Bandai Entertainment and animated by renowned animation studio, Xebec (subsidiary of Production I.G.), the series showcases the latest in cutting-edge CG/cel animation. Bandai America's toy line features a wide assortment of action figures, vehicles and role play accessories that faithfully re-create all the action and excitement of the show. Visit Bandai America's D.I.C.E. website at http://www.diceofficial.com for more information on everything happening in the D.I.C.E. universe.

dice from bandai
8-inch Jet

About Bandai America Incorporated

Bandai America Incorporated is a subsidiary of Bandai Co. Ltd., the third largest toy company in the world, with 36 subsidiaries in 9 countries worldwide. Global interests include toys and children's entertainment, video game software, multimedia, music, full-length feature films, vending machines, trading cards, candies and licensed apparel.

Bandai America Incorporated is the master toy licensee of some of the most popular properties and brands in children's toys and entertainment, including Power Rangers, Gundam, Teen Titans, Strawberry Shortcake and Tamagotchi product lines. Bandai America is headquartered in Cypress, California and company information is available at www.Bandai.com.

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