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HALO & Buffy PALz at littleplasticmen.com


December 15, 2004 - (Houston, TX) - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer littleplasticmen.com has several new items of interest to collectors:

The Christmas rush continues at littleplasticmen.com with a fresh batch of HALO 2 toys from Joyride Studios now available at our HALO Forward Command Center! The refresh of Series 1 action figures includes the new Master Chief, Warthog with Gauss Cannon and the massive Brute alien! Also, there is still time to get in on our second 'High on the Hog' contest at HALOfcc. Last month we gave away a HALO 2 Civilian Hog chase vehicle to one lucky customer... and we're doing it again this month. Stop by the Forward Command Center for more details on the contest!

We also received the uber-cool Palisades Buffy PALz Series 1 assortment! These unique block figures come with a ton of accessories and extras that allow you to 'transform' the figure into another outfit or creature from the first season of the acclaimed television show! The assortment includes Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, Darla and The Master! We are selling these in sets and singles. Also, we are offering a pair of 'Uber sets'. The first includes all six series one figures plus the Buffy preview PALz figure from this year's Wizard World in Chicago. The other includes the six series one figures plus the preview figure... AND the one per-case Variant Darla figure!

We still have some Batman Hush Series 2, 18" Captain Jack Sparrows and 18" Kill Bill The Bride figures in stock! Coming soon, we are expecting Palisades' Invader Zim Series 1 and Hellboy Series 1.5 any day now!

Happy Holidays from littleplasticmen.com!


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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