Joes & Sports Picks at Big Bad Toy Store
 December 16, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
HOLIDAY SHIPPING: All U.S. customers can still receive orders in time for the holidays by using our low cost $6.49 UPS Ground Flat Rate shipping option!
SPORTS PICKS NHL 9: The latest series of NHL figures has arrived - all the normal jersey figures are available for $10.99 each and we have a few variants available including the very cool Brett Hull - St. Louis Blues Jersey for $24.99. NBA 7 & NFL 10 are also in stock with variants
GI JOE - DREAMS & VISIONS: 5 New items from Dreams & Visions including the single pack Mademoiselle Marie, Crew Cut Sailor and Soldier in retro packaging, Sgt. Rock Ground Combat weapons set and Madmoiselle Marie Moulin Rouge Recon Set are all in stock. We've also restocked in small quantities the Blackhawk, Miss Fear, and Enemy Ace boxed sets. A few new Hasbro 12" Joes have also arrived - the FBI Rescue Team with firing gun, and Air Force Special Forces figure - $16.99 each.
EXCLUSIVE TRANSFORMERS: The TRU Japan exclusive EX-01 Buildtron and BR-04 'BeastWars Returns' Blackarachnia have just arrived. Both are listed on the Energon / Superlink Menu and we have limited stock of each on hand. A variety of other nice Superlink items including SC-26 Superion and SD-21 Bruticus gift sets are in stock.
STIKFAS: The brand new Spaceman and Legionnaire figures have arrived and are available for $9.99 each. (pre-orders will be processed & shipped tomorrow) We have limited stock of these left after allocating for our pre-orders and I've put another order in with Stikfas. The new 'Lite' Hockey Player set is available for pre-order for $14.99 per set. The set comes with a blue and a purple figure.
BANDAI JAPAN: The 1/850 Star Trek Voyager Kit has arrived and is available for $94.99. This kit comes with a full lighting system to illuminate the ship and its completely pre-painted and snaps together - very high quality. More Soul of Chogoking GX-25 Garada have arrived - $64.99. More DX Attack & Sound Godzillas have arrived - many other recent Godzilla items are in stock.
A variety of other newsworthy items:
MICROMAN: More Acroyear and Masterforce Sets of 4 - $24.99 MICROMAN: More Military Force Sets of 8 - $84.99 PREDATOR: New 1:1 Scale Predator Bust Pre-Order - $799.99 MASTER REPLICA: AT-AT Walker - Prop Replica - $1199.99 - Only 1 left! SIDESHOW-WETA: The Orc Helm of Sam - limited to 2500 - $29.99 MOTLEY CRUE: The new Boxed set from McFarlane - $49.99 HELLSING: Arucard and Victoria - $15.99 each GREGORY HORROR SHOW: Gregory, James and Catherine figures - $26.99 each CY GIRLS: More of the new Aska figures have arrived