December Sale at
 December 16, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from
Hi all, We wanted to tell you about a few new things going on at SMALLJOES.COM.
This month all GI JOE: Built to Rule items are 25% off regular retail price. X-Joints & X-Joints: Predators are on clearance - 60% off retail price.
Be sure to keep your eye on the clearance aisle section as we continue to move items there to liquidate them out of our inventory. Excellent deals to be had on GI JOE, Corps!, and other items.
Valor vs. Venom wave 6 has just arrived and includes such favorites as Dreadnok Torch, Sgt. Bazooka, Tunnel Rat, Wild Bill, and more.
GI JOE: Reloaded comic issue #10 is now available.
The next assortment of comic 3-packs will contain many of the long awaited Oktober Guard characters! We may receive a part of our shipment late this month, but the majority of it will arrive in January. Thus, don't be alarmed if it is added to the web site this month only to then sell out very quickly - more will be on the way shortly thereafter.
Also due in January are all of the following:
- Ninja Battles Playset w/ five figures - Wave 2 of the single-carded figures - The three 2-packs that were designated this fall as Target exclusives (Storm Shadow w/ motorcycle, Dart w/ missile platform, and Barrel Roll w/ glider)
At this time it looks like we will not be able to get any of the Operation: Crimson Sabotage sets, a Kay-Bee exclusive item. Seems that Kay-Bee might have drastically under-ordered this highly anticipated item. If a second production run/order occurs in the 1st quarter of 2005 (we have no info that suggests this will happen) we will try again to obtain a quantity for our customers who did not have an opportunity to buy the set from a Kay-Bee store.
For reasons we can't discuss without engaging in colorful language, we were unable this fall to obtain from Hasbro the latest two Bravo vehicle assortments which included the Ice Sabre, Jungle Strike Humvee, and Quickstrike. It looks like the Ice Sabre, Quick Strike, and a desert version of the Humvee will appear in new case assortments for first quarter '05 - so, we will make another attempt at obtaining these items for you.
Microman Military Force figures have arrived. Eight different figures available! Each comes with a plethora of accessories which can be connected in different ways, as well as attached to the figures' them- selves in a variety of configurations utilizing ports on the figures' bodies. We've been able to secure this Japanese import item at a very competitive price.
Micro/Acro Ladies are also now in stock. Four different figures available.
Also, the popular single-carded Batman figure is available again.
The highly anticipated 1:18 scale F-16 Falcon jet has just arrived. Like the F-18, it's a beautiful piece.
Also new from Blue Box is the P-51 Mustang and Sherman tank.
The Light Armored Vehicle and the U.S. Navy SEAL figures will be restocked in about ten days.
Action figure storage blisters and display cylinders have been restocked.
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Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll stop by and check out the site soon.
Regards, SMALLJOES.COM Staff