JAKKS Unleashes The Rulers of the Ring
JAKKS Pacific has released images for it's upcoming WWF Rulers of the Ring assortment. This assortment, featuring six up-and-coming World Wrestling Federation superstars. The lineup for this series is Tazz, Ivory, Devon Dudley, Buh-Buh Ray Dudley, Edge and Al Snow. This is the first appearance for all these superstars as Titan Tron Ready action figures, as well as being the first JAKKS figures of all except Al Snow.The Rulers of the King assortment should start showing up later this month, or early in July. Each figure is a limited run of only 10,000. Combine red hot superstars on the rise with limited editions and these action figures should fly off store shelves. Addendum:Although previously reported to be KB Toys exclusives, this assortment will see a general release. [Posted 6/13/2000]