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JAKKS Pacific WWE Figure Images

August 2005 - JAKKS Pacific sends news of their upcoming wrestling action figure product lines. (click on a link below to see images):

WWE Ruthless Aggression Series 15.5: These include Eric Bischoff, Chris Masters, Jon Heidenrich, Scotty 2 Hotty and announcing for the first time ever, Simon Dean and Shannon Moore.

WWE Ruthless Aggression Series 16.5: This assortment introduces all-new figures of John Cena and Viscera. In this lineup are Undertaker, Sean Michaels and RVD, both with newly scanned heads! Chris Jericho rounds out the collection.

WWE Adrenaline 2 Pack Series 14: This assortment consists of brand new figures, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari. Also featured are William Regal and Taijiri, and Booker T vs. Eddie Guerrero. Check out the newly scanned heads of Taijiri and Eddie Guerrero!

Classic Superstars 14" Ring Giants: Ultimate Warrior, Roddy Rowdy Piper and Ted Dibiase are larger than life. Every figure has unprecedented authenticity in face sculpt, contains 13 points of articulation and is rotocast with a detailed fabric costume.

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