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New Toyline For Dungeons & Dragons?

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dnd_movie_thora.jpg - 9753 BytesCould Dungeons & Dragons be returning to toy store shelves again? It's beginning to look that way.

The classic role-playing game is headed to the big screen this December with a motion picture being distributed by New Line Cinema, and that may be all the impetus the property needs to return to the world of toys.

Older fans may recall a previous Dungeons & Dragons-based toyline, from LJN, back in the 1980s. The line enjoyed a fairly successful, but all-to-brief run before fading away into toy history. The game itself pressed on, with publisher TSR eventually being bought by Magic the Gathering publisher Wizards of the Coast. WotC soon found itself bought by toy giant, Hasbro.

Dungeons & Dragons, the game, recently got a major overhaul with the release of the new 3rd Edition rules set. With the release of the revamped game, the upcoming movie and the resurgence of the fantasy genre's popularity (with Harry Potter and anticipation of the upcoming Lord of the Rings movie trilogy) could the time be ripe for a new Dungeons & Dragons toyline?

According to a recent report, New Line has optioned the rights for a prequel and a sequel in hopes of creating a franchise. The studio also nabbed cable, pay and network broadcasting rights, and struck a deal with Hasbro for a 25th anniversary line of toys.

RTM will bring you the latest information as it develops...

[Posted 8/21/2000]

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