Medicom, V For Vendetta at Corner Store Comics
 June 5, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Corner Store Comics has several new items of interest to collectors:
MORE NEW MEDICOM REAL ACTION HEROES ADDED FOR PRE-ORDER! In addition to the Willy Wonka figure due in July, we are now taking orders for three new 12' Real Action Heroes from Medicom Japan. This Fall sees the release of the Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow figure, plus the VERY limited Rocketeer! Then the end of the year will bring us the X-Men 3: The Last Stand Wolverine figure at one of the best prices we've ever seen on one of these Medicom imports! Reserve these early, as every Medicom figure we've ever received has sold out long before they've actually arrived.
MASTER REPLICAS TO IMPORT 18" JACK SKELLINGTON "MIRACLE" FIGURE Limited to only 1224 pieces, Master Replicas is importing a film-accurate replica Jack Skellington by Medicom Japan. This 18" piece is the exact same size as the pieces used during filming. Features 12 soft vinyl heads, an internal brass armature to create your favorite poses, and a deluxe velvet-lined coffin box!
V FOR VENDETTA 6" ACTION FIGURE! NECA has 'made mention' that in addition to the 12" Resin Statue and Prop Replica Dagger from the V For Vendetta film, they will also be making a 6" action figure! There are no pictures available yet, but with NECA's growing positive reputation regarding their movie properties, there's really no reason not to order it now. We do tend to get NECA product before most other retailers, so if you want to get him first, pre-order him now! And don't forget, the statue and dagger will be quite limited (only 500 & 1250 pieces, respectively) so get those orders in ASAP as well.
LOST ACTION FIGURE PRICE LIKELY TO INCREASE SOON... ORDER NOW TO LOCK IN A GREAT PRICE! If you haven't already ordered your LOST figures (and we know that many of you already have), you should probably get on that very quickly. We have already heard from McFarlane that that plan to retail these figures at somewhere between $16-$20 each, which means that our costs will also be higher than normal. We are temporarily offering what is likely to be a VERY good price on set pre-orders right now, but we do expect that price to increase once we get the final costing from McFarlane. If these interest you at all, now would be the time to get on board!
SOUTH PARK: SERIES 3 & BOY BAND BOX SET ARE LIVE! We are now accepting order for the third series of South Park figures, which includes Officer Cartman, Frozen Kenny, Jesus, Butters, Timmy, and Mr Mackey, m'kay? Also available for pre-order is the Fingerbang Box Set, featuring all four main characters in their boy band attire! Also on the horizon is the first Deluxe Talking South Park Action Figure, Eric Cartman!
NEW IN STOCK MERCHANDISE! - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy & Dawn (including the Cheeleader Buffy Exclusive)!
- Resident Evil 4: Series 2 (SELLING OUT FAST!)
- WWE Classic Superstars: Series 10!
- Tenjho Tenge Tokubetsu (Special Edition) Aya & Maya!
- Jim Lee Superman Mini Statue! (Partial Shipment -- The rest arrive on Monday)
- Living Dead Dolls: Series 11! (Partial Shipment -- The rest arrive next Wednesday)
- Marvel Minimates MAX: Galactus & Sentinel!
- Scarface 18" Figure with Sound (NECA)!
At CornerStoreComics, your credit card is not charged until the product has been received at our warehouse. Don't have a credit card? No problem! We accept PayPal through our secure server! We gladly accept money orders and checks from our U.S. customers, and U.S. cash works regardless of where you're from! Just drop us a line to make arrangements! We ship all over the world! We also take requests, so if you can't find what you're looking for on our site, just ask! Corner Store Comics