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X Marks The Spot For ToyFare #39 - On Sale Now

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This month: a very special episode of Twisted Mego Theater...

ToyFare #39 is on sale now featuring a tender tale of remorse and redemption as the most vile denizens of Megoville examine their consciences and try to make amends in their lives to avoid the inevitability to eternal damnation.

But that's just the beginning! Also in this months edition, ToyFare spotlights the greatness of Gundam, McFarlane's Little Nicky figures, X-Men Evolution, WWF House of Pain, MAC's Buffy and Futurama, and ToyVault's Everquest. In a special feature, a team of ToyFare surgeons perform an autopsy on some action figures to take a look at what's inside (don't try this at home, kids!).

The Wizard customizing crew created a visual wish-list of Simpsons figures we'd love to see made like Bumblebee-Man, Patty and Selma, and Troy McClure.

WCW Nitro Girl Teri "Fyre" Byrne wraps up the issue playing Q & A. As a freebie, a poster of the revived GI Joe 3-3/4" toys is included as well.

This month's exclusive toy is ToyFare's first from N2 Toys - the Matrix's Trinity "Revealed" sans glasses!

ToyFare #39 is available in comic book stores now, and soon on newstands everywhere. Your month ain't complete 'til you've got your copy!

[Posted 9/14/2000]

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