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MegaBloks Launches New Website

megabloks_logo.gif - 11511 BytesAward-winning toy company MEGA BLOKS�� re-launched its official website today, www.megabloks.com with nothing short of a complete refresh of their latest website. The goal of the redesign was to keep up with the changing needs of kids and parents online.

"Kids who go online are looking for ways of having fun in non-traditional ways, such as entering contests from the comfort of their home, playing games, and retrieving real-time information on the things that really interest them. Our Web team has been able to create synergy between what kids want from MEGA BLOKS� and what they are looking for in online entertainment" says Consumer Marketing Manager Scott Jackson.

"With web surfing continuing to grow at such a rapid rate, we realized that we could create something very special for both children and parents." said Jackson. "Just like the toys themselves, our new website stimulates children�s senses in ways that only MEGA BLOKS� can."

Kids will be able to enter fun contests with great prizes like a lifetime supply of MEGA BLOKS�, BMX bikes and skateboards. Xtreme games, and interactive story-lines are just some of the new sections on the completely new www.megabloks.com. Loads of information, from their new product catalog to their international consumer service department, is available everywhere you go on an easy-to-use navigation bar at the top of your monitor.

MEGA BLOKS� is a worldwide leader in children�s building blocks with sales in over 100 countries. The MEGA BLOKS� system features basic, theme, and licensed construction toys for boys and girls of all ages and adult collectors. As a multiple Dr. Toy, Parents Choice and Early Childhood News award-winner, MEGA BLOKS� remains focused on marketing fun and educational products of the highest quality. To find out more about MEGA BLOKS� and its new products, visit their interactive website at www.megabloks.com.

[Posted 9/22/2000]

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