Cartoon Book's Announces Previews-Exclusive Hooded One Variant
Action figure afficianados in general, and fan's of Jeff Smith's Bone comic series in particular, are already stoked for Cartoon Book's upcoming release of all-new Bone action figures, and Cartoon Books is working hard to keep that excitment going.As previously reported on RTM, the first Cartoon Books assortment features Gran'ma Ben, Phoney Bone, the Hooded One and a deluxe Kingdok figure. Cartoon Books has just announced a cool variant figure that will be offered exclusively through Previews, a Glowing Hooded One. The face and hands of the figure, as well as the locust accessories, glow-in-the-dark. The figure's cloak features a darker coloration, to further differentiate the exclusive from the standard release. Look for the Glowing Hooded One to be offered in the October issue of Previews, due in comic stores this coming Wednesday, September 27th. The figure is expected to ship in December. [Posted 9/25/2000]