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Hasbro Signs On For Butt-Ugly Martians

has_buttuglymartians.jpg - 12178 BytesToy manufacturer Hasbro will produce merchandise for the series Butt-Ugly Martians under a worldwide licensing deal announced on Monday with children's entertainment company Just Group.

"The show has some truly unique features embedded within its concept and we are delighted that Hasbro has recognised the potential so early on," Just Group Chief Executive Wilf Shorrocks said in a statement.

The Butt-Ugly Martians series is scheduled to be broadcast on the U.K.'s CITV for the ITV commercial network early in 2001, and Just Group is in discussions with several U.S. broadcasters interested in bringing the series to the States.

Aimed at children aged between five and 11, the series is set in 2053 and focuses on three Martians, 2-T-Fru-T, B. Bop-A-Luna and Do-Wah-Diddy, sent by their evil Emperor Bog to invade Earth. Instead, the Martians befriend three earth children and end up saving the world.

Just Group's entertainment portfolio includes pre-school favourites Baby Bright, the Star Hill Ponies and Macdonald's Farm, as well as Jellikins and Pinky and Perky.

[Posted 9/26/2000]

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