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The News Is Even Newer!

Welcome to our brand new and improved News section. If this is your first time here, please take a moment to familiarize with the new set up.

Each article has a headline and a brief description of the news item. Click on the link to read the full story.

For ease of navigation, you can use the arrow buttons within each story to rapidly page through all the stories in the News section and Newseum archives.

The newest articles are listed first. Earlier articles are then listed below. So if you click on the newest article, use the "Previous" arrow to page back through earlier articles.

And if you are looking for really old news, you can visit the Old Newseum for articles that were posted prior to the changeover to this new format.

The article you are reading right now is the earliest article, so there are no more previous articles (other than what can be found at the Old Newseum link above).

We hope you will enjoy our new feature and invite your comments and suggestions.

- The Staff of Raving Toy Maniac

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In Association with Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

All images, format, content, and design are copyright © 1994-2013 Raving Toy Maniac. No part of these pages may be reproduced without express written consent of the Raving Toy Maniac. Licensed character names and images are copyright © their respective companies.