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MegaBlocks Launches Television Campaign

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Riding the wave of its highly-successful launch, TRANSFORMING BLOK BOTS™ by Mega Bloks� will also be getting a major television advertising campaign this holiday season! This initiative marks an increased focus on the company's older following (5 years and over) that has been growing exponentially ever since the introduction of its extremely popular Pro-Builder™ line in 1998.

Transforming Blok Bots™ are action-packed block sets that come in SCUBA, SWAT, SPACE, and ICE themes. Transforming Blok Bots™ are fully articulated action figures that can be transformed into cool vehicles in seconds! Transforming Blok Bots™ come in four sets --three individual ($12.99), and one deluxe set ($24.99).

"We are already very pleased with the excitement that has been generated around the initial release of Transforming Blok Bots™. We believe that adding a highly descriptive and fast-paced commercial will have an incredible impact on the success of Transforming Blok Bots™. Our goal is to build our brand in the 7 + boys market." said Vic Bertrand Jr., Executive VP and COO of MEGA BLOKS�.

The Blok Bots commercial will be running mornings, after-school and on weekends when boys of this age group traditionally watch the most TV. Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Fox Kids, and WB Kids have been signed to air the :30 and :15 second spots, and will run these commercials throughout the holiday season.

Mega Bloks� is experiencing unprecedented growth in the 6-11 boy market segment with such winners as its Pro-Builder™, Xtreme Sports™ and now Transforming Blok Bots™ product lines. With the support of TV in its marketing strategy for 2000 and beyond, Mega Bloks� is focused on continuing to position itself as a dominant player in the construction category.

Mega Bloks� is a worldwide leader in building blocks with sales in over 100 countries. The MEGA BLOKS� system features basic, theme and licensed construction toys for boys and girls of all ages and adult collectors. Many new and innovative construction sets have been introduced in 2000. As a multiple Dr. Toy, Parents Choice and Early Childhood News award-winner, Mega Bloks� remains focused on marketing fun and educational products of the highest quality. To find out more about Mega Bloks� and its new products, visit its website at www.megabloks.com.

[Posted 10/27/2000]

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