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Previews Brings On The Bad Guys As Famous Covers

fc_badguys_ad.jpg - 25349 BytesIt's time to bring home the bad guys, thanks to Diamond Comic Distributors and Toy Biz. Two of the Marvel Universes most diabolical and dastardly villians are joining the ranks of the popular Famous Covers collection: Carnage and The Red Skull. These new figures are offered in the latest issue of Previews, and are expected to be in comic book stores in early 2001.

Carnage, complete with twisted symbiote tendrils, looks like he popped right off the pages of the Amazing Spider-Man comic book with his horrific blood red "symbiote" costume.

The Red Skull, one of the pre-eminent villains in all of Marvel Comics and arch-enemy of Captain America, gets the Famous Covers treatment with this all-new action figure.

Each figure stands approximately 8" tall, and comes complete with a authentically detailed cloth costume.

[Posted 10/27/2000]

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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