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In a totally unexpected move, the folks at Hasbro have brought back DC Comics based action figures with a vengeance. In two new scales, 7" and 9", Hasbro offers DC fans exquisitely sculpted, highly articulated action figures. Highly articulated figures from Hasbro? Hard to believe, but true.

The 7" DC Super-Heroes Signature Series figures, centered around various key storylines, come with a display stand and comic book cover backdrop, similar to the concept employed with the current JLA line. The 9" DC Super-Heroes Silver Age Collection figures are simply beautiful, there's just no other way to describe them. These will appeal to DC fans and Mego/Famous Covers enthusiasts alike. Each 9" figure also comes with a DC display stand.

9" Aquaman

9" Aquaman close-up

9" Green Arrow

9" Green Arrow close-up

9" Green Lantern

9" Green Lantern close-up

9" finger articulation

9" ankle articulation

9" packaging

7" Batman

7" Azrael during his stint as Batman

7" Superman

7" Superman Blue

7" Captain Marvel

7" Joker as he appeared during the JLA Rock of Ages storyline

7" packaging

[Batman] [DC Super-Heroes]

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