The 11th Annual Canadian Action Figure Expo is September 28th, 2014 at the Delta Meadowvale Hotel and Conference Centre – 6750 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario.
The show features a huge selection of vintage 80s toys and all the latest releases from today such as Transformers (vintage and Japanese imports), Star Wars (new and vintage), GIJoe (vintage and modern), Masters of the Universe (vintage and modern), Super Heroes (Marvel Universe/Legends, DC Universe etc), Wrestling, and tons of other Action Figures and collectibles.
GIJoe creator Larry Hama to attend the 2014 Action Figure Expo
Toy Donation Drive at Action Figure Expo this Sunday
Hi there!
What are the best toys for 2014 Christmas?
My son is looking for hi-tech toy and found this site which gives good details
Can somebody suggest any similar site for toys for girls
Anybody going to the 12th Expo in January in Ontario?
I'd love it if we could get some of the old 80's and 90's RC toys out of the cupboard and pit them together inside a battle arena