Trying to figure out my Matty invoice...

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Fully Articulated's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm trying to avoid calling Matty's Customer Service... but I really can't seem to figure out the invoice that came with my Club Infinite Earths Jay Garick The Flash.

(BTW - I am a subscriber of both Club Eternia and Club Infinite Earths)

The Jay Garick Flash invoice lists the following:

TAX - $2.19
S&H CHARGE - $10.55

TOTAL = $47.74

Why is the product total $35? Is the cost of the subscription $20?


When I looked up the order on the Matty website... the exact same order number lists the total as $100.87

That invoice lists:
MOTUC Subscription - $20
MOTUC Sub Figure Shadow Weaver - $20
DC Club Subscription $30
DC Club Figure $15
Subtotal = $85

Plus -
$10.55 Shipping
$5.32 Tax
TOTAL = $100.87

I thought I already paid for Shadow Weaver in February.

I'm so confused.

Just wanted to check if anyone can see something obvious that I'm missing... before calling their fabulous customer service people.


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Joined: 2012-01-03

The subscription sign-up/exclusive club figure Metron is $30. Below is the original invoice from last year at the time of signing up.

Order Date: July 23, 2011

Product Name Qty Ordered Amount Discount
2012 DC Universe Club Infinite Earths Subscription 1 $30.00
Club Infinite Earths 2012 Subscription - Initial Figure 1 $15.00

SubTotal: $45.00
Shipping & Handling: $8.70
Tax: $3.15
Total: $56.85

Additional Product Information: 2012 DC Universe Club Infinite Earths Subscription - NOTE: You have already been charged for your 2012 Club membership/s sign-up fee/s. You will receive separate order and shipment notifications as club figures are shipped to you. The cost for the figures and applicable shipping costs/taxes/fees are charged when the figures are shipped.


Mr. Tibbs