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Schtumpworld Invades Justice League Unlimited

Schtumpworld jumped at the opportunity to work with DC Comics and the Cartoon Network to be a part of what is hoped to be a great new opportunity to make the Justice League more "unlimited" than ever. Schtumpworld was given the initial Justice League molds and were given creative control over the DC characters to create. These new figures will be brought to market in the three-pack format that has made this line popular, though in a break from tradition all three figures in the set will be new characters except for the Black Hand, Angle Man, Flash 3 pack reflecting the action of an upcoming episode.

The Cartoon Network was stunned with the selection of characters that Schtumpworld had provided to them. Some of which have made minor or cameo appearances on the show, but many that will be completely new to non-comic reading television audiences.

Black Vulcan - Schtumpworld thought it would be fun to release a figure of a character created exclusively for the Super Friends television show and see how he would fair in today's market.

Black Lightning - To those familiar with the Total Justice line of figures offered several years ago Black Lightning is an old name, but Schtumpworld went with a different look, to match the offerings on the show.

Mr. Terrific - has been seen on the show in walk-bys, but now is offered to the public in figure form.

Captain Atom - has also been seen on the show and will be offered in figure form as well.

Crimson Fox - We've yet to see these twins in action, but they were briefly shown on the show, and Schtumpworld took a preexisting Crimson Fox from their own collection and repainted her to match that vision of her.

Eradicator - Although the Eradicator has made a dramatic appearance change in the comics its was decided that he would appear in the JLU line in a form more digestible to the fans of the Death of Superman comics.

Vigilante - This figure is striking for the simplicity and power of his outfit and will come with a rifle when the lines hits stores.

General Glory - Another character unlikely to see the light of day on JLU, but a character that in this day of patriotism seems a great choice to fight alongside the other Justice Leaguers.

Professor Zoom (Reverse Flash) - Simply an opportunity to utilize the flash mold and to expand the JLU line of villains.

Angle Man - was born at a time of just horribly unoriginal villains. Villains with a strange power imbued upon them by some technology. With the Angler Angle Man was born. And for a splash of nostalgia, he joins JLU.

Black Hand - A largely unknown villain who recently appeared in the DCD line, Schtumpworld felt it was time that we see him in animated form. His costume is a combination of his previous and current costumes as artistic license was taken.

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