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Schtumpworld Invades Justice League Unlimited

Created by Schtumpworld.


Black Vulcan - This figure used to be a Dr. Fate custom that I grew tired of his cape breaking. He is made of the head of an Eric Swann starting lineup head, the body of an Arkham Escape Batman, the hands are from a Spiderwoman figure, and the head bolts are made of milliput.

Black Lightning - Sandpaper + Green Lantern JLU

Mr. Terrific - JLU Green Lantern with milliputed details.

Captain Atom - JLU Superman, cape removed and milliputed the holes and paint. Very simple, but very close to on model.

Crimson Fox - Harley Quinn figure, slightly twisted arm created with heat. The cape (cowl) is a Creeper boa on the bottom with milliput applied to the top to give it the point.

Eradicator - Superman body with arms repositioned and milliputed to give it a more animated feel, milliput for the goggles and a cape from an old Hercules figure.

Vigilante - Detective Batman body that I shortlegged to get to the right height. I replaced his boots with boots from a JLU Brainiac. The bands on the boots and the gloves are rubberbands.

Crimson Avenger - Flash body with a rubber band around the waste for a belt, milliputed details.

General Glory - Detective Batman body. I cut off the scowl, and sculpted a more fitting smiling face. I cut off the glove points and sculpted the bands around the boots.

Black Hand - JLU Batman with the cape cut shorter, milliput applied to create the costume details.

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