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JLU: Odds and Ends

Created by Stephen "Bottleimp" Andrade ([email protected]).
Web site: http://www.toymania.com/custom/Galleries/Bottleimp/bottleimp1.htm


Psycho-Pirate: JLU Elongated Man with a resculpted head, collar from a Red Tornado cape, cape from a Superman, and comic and tragic mask symbols created in photoshop and applied via decoupage.

Dr. Polaris: JLU Lightray with headgear and boots made from plastic and sculpey, flared shoulders made from vinyl, belt made from vinyl and paper decoupage, and symbol created in photoshop and applied via decoupage.

Thanagarians: JLU winged Amazo and Hawkman bodies with Batman heads; the rest is sculpey, vinyl and plastic. I used vinyl for the chest armor instead of sculpting it, which I now regret -- looks a little flimsy, but what can you do.

Martian Manhunter, Booster Gold and Red Tornado: Repaints.

Green Arrow: Mirror Master torso and legs, Green Arrow head, arms and quiver, sculpted collar, belt buckle made out of plastic, and tunic made out of vinyl.

Black Canary: The base is one of those "Streetwalker" Black Canaries that comes in the Joker 3-pack. I switched out the fishnet legs for smooth ones and sculpted the boot cuffs. I didn't like the "hand on the hip" pose, so I made new arms out of a combination of Animated Witchblade and Hawkgirl arms. I also originally used the Witchblade head, having seen other customizers use it to great effect, but the shape didn't seem right to me. I finally decided on a Zatanna head, and sculpted the hair from scratch. It's far from perfect, but I like to think it's still an improvement over the original, and at least the hair doesn't look like a helmet anymore.

Hawkman: Cheers to Mattel for sculpting a great Hawkman head! Jeers to them for everything else about their figure! I used a Mirror Master figure for the base, resculpted the shoulders to match the more rounded look Hawkman has in the cartoon, attached some Hawkgirl wings, and slapped on the Mattel Hawkman head. The harness and belt were made from vinyl and plastic.

Starman: The only reason I made this figure is that the 1970's shag haircut of the Nemesis figure is a near-perfect match for this obscure entry in DC's Who's Who. The body came from a clear Amazo. The star crystal was a random plastic piece. I took inspiration from Airmax and used vinyl for all the costume details-- it was tricky, but it did make the painting of the costume a lot easier. Obscure or not, this turned out to be one of my favorite customs.

Maxie Zeus: In my opinion, this was one of the best episodes of the Batman Animated Series -- I would have loved to see this character transition into the Justice League cartoon. I started with a Superman torso and swapped the arms for a JLU Brainiac, though I put the Superman hands back on. The head came from a Lex Luthor with a sculpted head and beard and laurels made from plastic. The legs came from a Speed Racer Racer X figure with vinyl used for the sandals. The toga was sculpted, which keeps the legs from moving, but at least he can still swivel at the waist. The figure ended up being a little big, but the bright side of that is that he can fit in with both the JLU line and the old-school Batman figures.

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