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eBay's Co-Op Advertising Program

August 2003 - SAN JOSE, CA - eBay, The World's Online Marketplace®, recently announced the expansion of its co-op advertising program across all eBay categories. It had been tested as a pilot program with select PowerSellers in the eBay Collectibles category and the success has lead to a larger rollout. The co-op advertising program helps PowerSellers promote their eBay Stores to customers through a reimbursement program. Participants can be reimbursed up to 25% of their print advertising costs by eBay in exchange for including the eBay Store URL and logo, or for using the eBay ad template.

Reimbursement levels for the co-op advertising program are based on the different levels of eBay PowerSellers. Titanium PowerSellers can be reimbursed up to $8,000 per quarter; Platinum Power Sellers are eligible for up to $3,000 per quarter; and Gold Power Sellers up to $1,200 per quarter. As an added incentive to the eBay Collectibles community, Silver and Bronze Power Sellers in the Collectibles category are also eligible for the program.

The eBay co-op program was created to provide PowerSellers with a means to grow their business by driving traffic to listings while at the same time decreasing operating costs. Twenty-five of eBay's top Collectibles sellers participated in the pilot program, placing more than 200 co-op ads. On average, participants in the pilot program experienced significant gains in sales (more than 75%,) average selling price (more than 30%,) and bids (more than 25%.) The pilot program's success compelled eBay to open the program to PowerSellers across all of its categories.

The program has been embraced by many top Collectibles sellers including Leonard Cohen of Marlen Stamps in Great Neck, New York, who ran his first eBay co-op ad in the fourth quarter of 2002. Based on results, he followed up with five pages in the spring. He plans to continue running ads throughout the year. "Since I started participating in eBay's co-op advertising program, I've seen a marked increase in my eBay Store sales, I've defrayed advertising costs, gained greater exposure for inventory, and given my business added credibility."

"The Collectibles market is such an important part of eBay's heritage and its future that we wanted to first bring this opportunity to our key sellers in that market," said Geoff Iddison, Vice President and General Manager, eBay Collectibles, Toys and Home. "Now that we have seen the benefits that it brings both the sellers and the industry as a whole, we are excited to expand it to our Power Sellers across all categories."

eBay PowerSellers are required to meet and maintain a certain level of average gross monthly sales for at least three months. PowerSellers also must uphold specific levels of services including a 98% rating of positive feedback. Trading Assistants, independent eBay sellers who can sell your items on eBay for a fee, are also eligible to participate in the program.

eBay co-op ads may be placed in newspapers, magazines, newsletters, catalogs and other printed materials with defined circulation figures. Ad sizes are full page, half page, quarter page, eighth page and classified page.

PowerSellers with an eBay store or Trading Assistants whose account is in good standing are eligible to participate. For more information on the co-op program, please visit www.ebay.com/co-op or email [email protected] with any questions.

About eBay

eBay is The World's Online Marketplace®. Founded in 1995, eBay created a powerful platform for the sale of goods and services by a passionate community of individuals and businesses. On any given day, there are millions of items across thousands of categories for sale on eBay. eBay enables trade on a local, national and international basis with customized sites in markets around the world.

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