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OAFE's First Anniversary

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August 2003 - It's hard to believe it's been an entire year since OAFE (Online Action Figure Entertainment) first burst on the tiny niche scene of toy reviewing. Since that time, we've managed to make quite a name for ourselves to the five or ten regular readers we have. While other websites have collapsed into oblivion, OAFE has not only survived, but thrived! Well, it hasn't made any money... yet... and we don't get any free toys to review... yet... but we're working on that.

But we digress. The point is, it's our anniversary, which gives us a great excuse to send out a press release and remind the toy collecting hordes of our existence. But that's not all. We're also going to prove just what kind of chumps we are by giving away some free toys, including the grandest prize of all, a free Keldor action figure! Yes, we could sell it on eBay for $200 and pay for the site for three years, but we'd rather give it away, because... well, come to think of it, it doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do, but we're going to do it anyway, because we're nice people. And best of all, not only will you win a Keldor, but you won't even have to pay for it! (Unlike some large toy companies we know...) There are a few other prizes too, of course.

But contests aren't the only way we're celebrating our anniversary. We've also got a slew of new reviews, including reviews of many recent convention exclusives such as the aforementioned Keldor, McFarlane's Miracleman/Spawn mini-statues, Mattel's Silver Age Batman, the Stealth Predator Mez-Itz, and more!

We've also got a special new figuretoon, "The Wrath of Todd," in which the OAFEs must contend with a certain Canadian toymaker (if you need another clue, here it is: he has four balls). Gasp in horror as an OAFE is lost forever! Furrow your brow in confusion as a brand new OAFE staff member makes his bizarre entrance!

You can experience all this and more simply by heading to http://www.oafe.net/year.html. Please stop by and see why OAFE is the best toy review site on its particular web server!

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