Classic JSA Characters Coming From DC Direct
Rumors have been floating about recently concerning DC Direct and certain members of the Justice Society of America getting the action figure treatment. RTM called the folks over at DC Comics to get the facts.Good news! There are, indeed, action figures coming later this year of the Jay Garrick Flash, Alan Scott Green Lantern, Ted Knight Starman and Wonder Woman (presumably in her original skirted costume). You will be able to see images of these new figures right here at RTM later this month. The Justice Society of America (JSA) has been enjoying a nice renaissance recently with the advent of their latest comic book series which begun last year. Fans of these classic comic characters have been clamoring for more JSA-related action figures from DC Direct and the company has responded. This lineup should put even the most die-hard JSA fan into action figure Nirvana. Stay tuned for more information coming your way soon. [Update 4/05/2000]