New Animated X-Men and Jackie Chan Images
RTM mentioned this fall's new Kids WB X-Men and Jackie Chan animated series yesterday, and today we are pleased to present some of the first images from both shows.The new X-Men series is entitled X-Men: Evolution and features considerably younger versions of many of the X-characters comic fans have come to know. In this series our band of merry mutants not only battles evil but has to deal with the trials and trauma of high school life on top of saving the world. Jackie Chan Adventures (below) stars an animated Chan as an ancient artifact expert and a special agent for the government's secret Section 13 (sounding similar to his Operation: Condor character). On the toy front, Toy Biz is already in the planning stages for a toyline based on X-Men: Evolution that will hopefully hit stores by years end. It is not know if there are any toy licensees for Jackie Chan Adventures yet, but a high-profile action adventure series on Kids WB would make a toyline a good possibility. Special Thanks to Comics Continuum for use of the images. For more information on X-Men: Evolution, Jackie Chan Adventures and the rest of this fall's Kids WB lineup, make sure to click over to Comics Continuum. [Update 4/05/2000]