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Type Title Author Repliessort icon Last Post
Forum topic Have the new Marvel Legends shown up anywhere but TRU yet? nt Rob N. Hood 6 2012-02-15 16:16
Forum topic I'm trying to find out if I have an original CAPTAIN ACTION ACTION FIGURE HELP!! jonathanbellaire 6 2013-01-14 11:24
Forum topic A Plush Toy I Made andrewlum 6 2012-02-23 02:08
Forum topic If I wanted the closest DCUC Batman to a Super Powers Batman, which version should I track down? (links w/ imgs. would help) PhineasBogg 6 2012-02-21 11:25
Forum topic Any sign of those new Batman figures at Toyfair? Just some guy 6 2012-02-23 12:10
Forum topic 3.75 inch Experts Anonymous 6 2012-03-18 20:02
Forum topic DC Direct is now DC Collectibles! Anonymous 6 2012-04-14 18:11
Forum topic How does Mattel's blazing sword Voltron figure compare to Toynami's Vinyl Vehicle Voltron? Y2Bogus 6 2012-03-08 10:22
Forum topic Aaahh!!! Real Monsters custom figures Greg Easton 6 2012-03-03 17:46
Forum topic And Peyton Manning is the quarterback of (drum roll please)... Jon 6 2012-03-22 22:29
Forum topic Heroes that kill: Are they still heroes to to you? Brian 6 2012-03-30 07:35
Forum topic So. That Vehicle Voltron... Lobsterman 6 2012-04-07 10:48
Forum topic Looking for a good resource on 90's Toybiz figs(X-Men, Spidey, etc). Scotty97 6 2012-04-03 19:24
Forum topic Star Wars Comic Packs slappy 6 2012-06-14 13:17
Forum topic Question: Why does a comic book have a cover date different from the date it is actually out on the shelves? Smitty 6 2012-04-18 17:49
Forum topic HOLY CRAP! Major Young Justice series spoiler Y2Bogus 6 2012-05-01 21:59
Forum topic A third wave of 3 3/4 figures for the Hasbro Avengers confirmed Avian 6 2012-04-26 16:46
Forum topic Anyone collect Heroics? Kimota42 6 2012-04-28 16:12
Forum topic Marvel Grab Zags Anonymous 6 2012-05-23 14:10
Forum topic RIP: Robin? Anonymous 6 2012-05-25 11:52
Forum topic Found the 3" Black Widow and Hawkeye at Toys R US!! Ash 618 6 2012-05-28 10:37
Forum topic Avengers Wave 3....Good Luck... Warhead 6 2012-06-05 10:38
Forum topic Tons of Hot Wheels Batmobiles @ Wal-Mart Jon 6 2012-08-02 17:51
Forum topic Matty Collector's secret customer service number? John of the Dead 6 2012-06-07 14:48
Forum topic animated green lantern figure question Avian 6 2012-06-08 05:27