- Comic Action Heroes figures were released in the U.S. on blue backer cards with an orange stand (shown above left); each card had the character's name as a colorful logo above the bubble
- The figures are available with and without the pictures to the sides of the bubbles
- The U.S. cardbacks are different for the DC characters (below left) and the Marvel characters (below right)
- In the U.K., the figures were released on similar cards, but without the stands (shown below) and without the individual charcter logos
- Also, two highly sought-after U.K. three-packs were released.
- In Canada, the toys were distributed by Grand Toys
- The Grand Toys card back below, which I believe originally housed Penguin, pictures Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman; it adds French text and the Grand Toys logo
- Notice that, as in the U.K., the characters' names are not on the cards
- In Germany, three figures were included in a bag attached to a header which reads "Comic Super-Helden" or "Comic Super Heroes."

Image credits:
- U.K. carded figures provided by John Bonavita, author of the highly recommended book, Mego Action Figure Toys
- DC cardback provided by Timothy Bouvier
- German 3-pack provided by Brain at The Mego Museum
[3 3/4-inch Archives] [Comic Action Heroes] [Greatest American Hero] [Pocket Super Heroes]