The pegs that are used to hold the hands and feet on, as well
as most of the joints are not the same as Mego pegs. These pegs
aren't simply straight lengths of plastic, but have nipples or
buttons on their ends to help keep them in place. This also makes
them far harder to remove, since all you had to do with the Mego
parts was push them through. These are made of the brittle plastic
so they can be broken and damaged by removal (as you can see in
the second from the left above). I haven't tried to replace any
with straight plastic pegs, but I suspect they would probably
work as replacements, provided you can find a good size that is
There are only two sizes of pegs used on the figure. The smaller
size (the two in the center of the picture) is used in ankle and
wrist joints while the larger one covers the thigh, knee and elbow
joints. Removal and restoration of pegs are covered in the sections
on those joints, but as a general rule I found it easier to leave
the pegs with the removed part and take them out as one piece
rather than simply removing the peg and then the part. Overall,
there are 4 small pegs and 6 large ones on each FC body.
Hands and Feet
DESC: The hands and feet are made of the softer plastic, though
it's hard to tell at times. The exception is Black Widow who has
brittle boots (which are slightly different from Storm's feet)
So far there have been a variety of hands for the male and female
characters, including splayed fingers and fists (as well as Thor's
gripping hand). The feet aren't as varied with basic male feet
for all the males and boot feet for the female figures (except
Aunt May who has the only pair of female feet so far). The male
feet for different bodies are differently sized, which is a very
nice touch. There are at least two types of female boots, but
the difference between them is minor. These are the easiest parts
to remove and replace on the figures.
When I picked up Black Widow I didn't bother to check her very
closely (other than her paint job and costume) because I was happy
to find her. When I got home and opened her I noticed that her
hands were reversed! She had a left hand on her right wrist and
a right hand on her left wrist. But following the steps below
she was swapped and looks great today!
Some of the characters costumes can't be removed without removing
hands. Black Widow and Storm both have bracelets that can't be
removed without the hands off of them (unless you simply cut them
off), so removing the hands may become imperative for the customizer.
NOTE: For feet just use the same directions below but substitute
'ankle' for 'wrist' and 'foot' for 'hand'. Also, keep in mind
that ankles are a little harder to remove and replace and the
female boots are made of the brittle plastic, so they don't bend
that much.

REM: First, start wit a hand as in figure 1 above. Next, bend
the figure perpendicular to the bendy joint on the wrist or ankle
in question. Don't bend it with all of your might or you may damage
the joint, but do it just enough to get a small, flat screwdriver
(or similar device) in the gap between the wrist and the hand
(see figure 2). Once you get the tool in there slowly work it
to pry one side of the hand off the peg. Work slowly and don't
be alarmed if the wrist seems to be bending more than you would
expect. Once you get it off of one end of the peg (see figure
3) you can slide the other half (with peg still in place) through
the loop in the wrist joint and remove the hand. Since the hands
are molded in color you don't have to worry about a small scratch
ruining the paint job and you'll end up with figure 4.
REST: Once you have the hand you want in on the wrist, bend one
side of the wrist back so it looks similar to when you removed
it. Make sure the peg is securely in the other side and slide
the peg through the loop in the wrist joint. Once you get it through
the loop you can slowly squeeze the other wrist part into place
over the other end of the peg. Squeezing with bare hands can get
it almost right, but you may want to use a pair of pliers to help
it seat properly. If you use pliers, place a cloth over the teeth
on it to prevent marring the surface of the hand and very slowly
squeeze it into place. I hate to admit it, but I've also used
my teeth to squeeze it into place!
Ankles and Wrists
DESC: The ankle (bottom left and upper right) and wrist (opposite
of ankles) joints are made from the brittle plastic. They actually
have a shape that is very similar to the symbol for Mars (which
also happens to be the symbol for male as well). It is a loop
or circle with a point sticking out of it (see above). The way
it works is that the foot or hand is attached to the loop by a
peg and the arrow snaps into a hollow (shown at the bottom of
the picture above) at the end of the forearm or lower leg. You
can see a much better view of what a cross-section of the hollow
looks like in the section on the shoulder joint. The wrist and
ankle joints can be removed and replaced without damaging the
arrow or the loop fairly easily. These joints are very similar
to the Mego wrist joints.
REM: I found that it is easier to remove the wrists and ankles
once the foot or hand attached to them has been removed. But they
can be removed while still attached, but it makes it harder to
remove the hand or foot later since you have a lot less to hold
on to and apply leverage. If the hand/foot is already removed
the easiest way I found to get it off is use a keychain that has
a pretty big loop and is sturdy. Place the loop of the wrist/ankle
on the keychain loop. Hold the forearm/lower leg firmly and yank
it out. It will come out with a snap, but since it is attached
to the keychain it is easily found. If the foot/hand is still
attached, then you'll have to grip the foot/wrist and the forearm/lower
leg firmly and pull them apart. If you want to use a vise to hold
parts as you pull on the other, remember to place a cloth or some
other soft material between the teeth of the vise and the plastic.
It will minimize marks that are made on the plastic by the teeth.
I would tend to avoid the vise simply because it is too easy to
apply too much pressure and leave marks in the plastic.
REST: To restore these you'll have to snap them back into their
hollows. These can be replaced simply by pressure from the thumb
with the arrow lined up to the hollow. Once you get part of it
in there you can press the loop against a counter while holding
the forearm and pushing down. Also, if you have a small metal
rod that will fit through the loop you can press on either side
of it to push the arrow into place. You will hear a snap when
it's in place and you'll be able to tell that it is properly seated
by the way it twists. If you have a hand or foot still attached
replacement is a little easier to do by hand since the appendage
will afford a better hold on the non-arrow end of the piece.
Page 1 Introduction,
overview and general comments. |
Page 2 Pegs, hands, feet, ankles and wrists. |
Page3 Elbows,
knees, thighs and the groin area. |
Page4 Waist
ball, upper chest and shoulders. |
Page5 Neck, head and final comments. |