Mr. Miracles, Bwana Beast
Mr. Miracle: JLU Batman with sculpted head &
belt. JLU Red Tornado cape Bwana Beast: JLU
Superman with sculpted helmet , boots belt and
sash. Cut vinyl mask.
Black Vulcan, Blue Beetle
Black Vulcan: JLU Green Lantern with sculpted
Blue Beetle: JLU Flash with sculpted mask and
Black Lightning, Midnite
Black Lightning: JLU Green Lantern with sculpted
head, collar, belt and boots Dr. Midnite: JLU
Batman with sculpted head, belt, gloves and
Captain Atom, The Question
Captain Atom: JLU Superman smoothed out with
The Question: Kenner Bruce Wayne with sculpted
mask, hat and pants
Shining Knight, Vixen
Shining Knight: JLU Superman with sculpted helmet
and tunic.
Vixen: JLU Hawkgirl with animated Witchblade
head. Sculpted legs, belt and necklace/earrings.
Golden Age Flash
animated Superman with sculpted boots and helmet.
The Wraith
Mattel Superman with sculpted mask, gloves,
chest and boots. ML Storm cape. |
Spider Woman
ML Rogue with sculpted gloves, boots and mask.
Cut vinyl wings
Amalgam Speed Demon
ML Ghost Rider with sculpted face and jacket.
Cut vinyl collar and sleeves. |
80's Aquaman
DC Direct JLA Aquaman smoothed over with resin.