DC Direct Black Lightning & Marvel
Legends Manhunter
Black Lightning is a DC Direct John Stewart
with sculpted boots, sleeves and collar.
Manhunter is a Marvel Legends Gambit with sculpted
sleeves and mask. The vest is cut vinyl and
the boots were constructed with rubber rings
and cut plastic spears with sculpted tops. The
blade is a DCD Black Manta weapon with cut vinyl
and sculpted blade. |

Animated Daredevils & animated Kitty
The Daredevils are JLU Flashes with sculpted
horns & gloves and cut vinyl belts with
plastic tube holsters. Kitty is a Mattel Batgirl
with sculpted gloves and boots.

Justice League Unlimited Hawkman and
JSA Hawkgirl
Hawkman is a JLU Superman with a DCD Pocket
Heroes Hawkman head & mace and JLU Hawkgirl
wings. The chest and boots were sculpted with
resin and the straps are cut vinyl with a sculpted
circle. Hawkgirl is a JLU Hawkgirl with the
hair removed with sculpted boots and back of
the helmet. The arms wraps are cut vinyl.

Animated Hellboy, Madman and Space
Hellboy is a JLU Superman with a sculpted
arm, head and Ultimate Lizard tail. His belt
is from a ML Ultimate Captain America. Madman
is a JLU Flash with sculpted boots, gloves
and head. Space Ghost is a JLU Superman with
a JLU Batman head, smoothed over with resin
with cut vinyl belt & band buttons.

Justice League Unlimited Mr. Terrific,
Vibe and Elongated Man
Mr. Terrific is an JLU Atom Smasher body with
a JLU GL head. Sculpted jacket, gloves and
hair. Vibe is a JLU Starman with sculpted
hair and boots. Cut vinyl was used for the
vest and belts. Elongated Man is a JLU Elongated
Man repainted with a cut vinyl belt.
Justice League Unlimited Animal Man,
Silver Age Green Arrow and Silver Age Aquaman
Animal Man is a JLU Starman with sculpted jacket
and mask. Green Arrow is a JLU Superman with
a JLU Green Arrow cap and quiver. Sculpted gloves,
sleeves and boots with cut vinyl skirt and sash.
Aquaman is a JLU Superman with cut vinyl leg
fins & belt and sculpted gloves and torso.

Marvel Legends Mystique and New X-Men
Emma Frost
ML Mystique with a sculpted shirt, pants and
hair. I used metal rings fro the sides, a
ML Rogue belt and the hands are from a DCD
Artemis figure. Emma is a ML Black Widow body
with a BTVS Darla head. Cut vinyl was used
for the X-boots and the bust and collar are
sculpted with resin. The white lab coat is
from a ML Mr. Fantastic figure.

Marvel Legends Squadron Sinister Hyperion
& Dr. Spectrum
Marvel Legends Magneto with sculpted
arms, boots & cut vinyl and resin midsection.
Dr. Spectrum is a Marvel Legends Iceman with
a sculpted mask
JLU 10" Superman smoothed over with resin
with cut vinyl belt and antenna. Iron
Man: JLU Red Tornado with rubber gasket
shoulder rings and belt. Wasp:
JLU Wonder Woman smoothed over with resin and
cut vinyl wings. Captain America:
JLU Dove with sculpted boots and gloves. BLack
Panther: JLU Atom Smasher with sculpted
mask. Thor: JLU SUperman smoothed
over with resin with sculpted hammer, boots
and wristbands.
Lantern smoothed over with resin and repainted.
JLU OMAC: JLU Martian Manhunter
smoothed over with resin, cut vinyl fin, pinchers
& gun were found in my parts box. JLU
HAWKMAN: JLU Aquaman with sculpted
helmet and boots. |
with sculpted hair, boots, gloves and torso.
Cape was from my parts box. ANIMATED
SPIDER WOMAN: JL Wonder Woman smoothed
over with resin. JLU HAL JORDAN:
JLU Superman smoothed over with resin, sculpted
hair |
MR. TERRIFIC: DCD Justice Black
Manta with sculpted sleeves, cuffs and cut vinyl
jacket trim. Custom made decals. JOHNNY
SORROW: DCD Hush Riddler and DCD Metallo
mask smoothed over with resin. |
Woman smoothed over with resin and cut vinyl
webbings. BLACK WIDOW: Vampirella
figure smoothed over with resin with ML BW belt
and wristbands. |
smoothed over with resin and repainted. BLINK:
ML Mystique with sculpted boots & sleeves
with Toybiz Storm hair and found skirt. |
NIGHTHAWK: ML Vision with a
Batman cape and cut vinyl headpiece.
WHIZZER: ML Cyclops with cut
vinyl vest and sculpted boots and mask |