Toy Maniac Presents
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Age of
Apocalypse, Apocalypse
Apocalypse is a repainted Marvel Legends Apocalypse, with hand sculpted
chest, wrist bracers, boots, and belt, the shoulder pads are made from foam
paper, and he cape belonged to a ML Thor.
AoA Iceman
Iceman, is a repaint ML Silver Surfer, with sculpted hair, the ice armor is
cut and sanded down from an old Marvel 5" Iceman, the armor is also
removeable, the base is done the same way.
AoA Colossus
AoA Colossus is
customed from a ML Colossus, fist I sanded his head into a dome, with
sculpted mask, chest, shoulder pad and strap, and shorts, his shirt is cloth
from an old shirt of mine.
 Super Soldier
Super Soldier was made from a wrestling figure, I forget his name, he hand
painted are everything is hand made, the sheld is made from cardboard and super
sculpey, his boots flaps are also SS, his belt is made of foam paper. |

Member of the Wrecking Crew, Bulldozer comes with sculpted Helmet, Bracers,
Belt, Boots and 51 studs that are on all of his armor. I use the wrestling
figure Edge for the base figure.
Leader of the Wrecking Crew, I used the Wrestling figure Justin
as the base, Wrecker has sculpted Mask, Jacket, Collar, Belt, and Boots, the
crowbar was made from a shovel accessory. |

Member of the Wrecking Crew, Piledriver comes with sculpted Mask, collar,
and boots, his belt is made from foam paper. I used a wrestling figure, I don't
know his name, as the base.
Member of the Wrecking Crew, Thunderball comes with sculpted
mask, collar, gloves and boots. The wrecking ball is made from a Mr. Fantistic
ball form the FF boxset, and the chain is from an old toy of mine.

Group shot of the Wrecking Crew.
is a Marvel Legends Elektra body with a female Mcfarlane head, her psychic
knife is from a 90's toybiz Psylocke. |
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