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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Rombado's Customs


Rombado can be contacted at [email protected]


The Blob


base figure is a King Kong Bundy figure, hand sculpted hair, lower legs, and boots, handmade costume and belt.




base figure is a Spiderman Classics Scorpion, hand sculpted mask, gloves, boots, hand made belt and cape.



base figure is a Urban Legends Punisher, hand sculpted mask, visor, wrist launcher, he comes with Timber, 11 eleven weapons, motorcycle, and base.



Ka-Zar and Zabu

 base figures Marvel Legends Iceman and MOTU Battlecat, Ka-Zar has hand made fur trunks and leather boots, and hand sculpted hair. Zabu is a repainted Battlecat with customized tail.

Powerman and Iron Fist

 Powerman's base figure is a WWE wrestling figure, Iron Fist's base figure is a Marvel Legends Silver Surfer. Powerman has hand sculpted headband, shirt, and boots, the chain is from a JYD wrestling figure. Iron Fist has hand sculpted mask, and hair, and hand made shirt collar and belt.

Scarlet Witch

 base figure is a Marvel Legends Elektra, the head and cape are from the 90's Toybiz Scarlet Witch.

Astonishing X-men Wolverine

 base figure is a Marvel Legends Wolverine, Repainted, with customized mask and boots, sculpted gloves and boots, with hand made belt.

A Lance Storm wrestling figure is the base figure is used for Thunderbird, this is a before and afterphoto, Thunderbird has sculpted tassels, belt, hair, and bandana.


 made from a Marvel Legends Thor, w/ sculpted hair, belt, loin cloth, and boots.

The Destroyer

 made from a ML Colossus, sculpted head helmet, leg spikes, and resculpted chest.

Typhoid Mary

 repainted Elektra, with head, shoulder pads, and mini skirt from original Toybiz Mary figure.


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