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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Mat Planet's Customs


Mat can be contacted at mplanet@brown-partners.com


Ninja Spawn

Boy, this takes me back. This is a toy of the archer from Youngblood, Shaft, made by Awesome Toys I think, which I mixed with the first Ninja Spawn to make this. That was the first time I took an existing hand (from Ninja Spawn) and attached it to a body with a screw post, thus adding articulation to this figure. The Hood is still removable, and the backpack full of weapons still functions. Very early piece and good fun.

Manga Overtkill

Let's face it, baby blue is not a very badass color. That's Overtkill's colors and that what this piece was too until I changed it. Just that repaint and the addition of a cloth shirt makes a big difference.

Spawn IV

The fourth Spawn figure is a still an all-time favorite, and when I could get the unmasked version in the fishtank case, I got it, but it didn't come with the hanky and much sought-after eyepiece. So I made my own, and painted the whole thing up in camo colors. I love this one.


I don't use this since I got my ML version, but I still think it's a pretty good piece. That's a Hulk Hogan body and a Undertaker head, heavily modified and I sculpted the hair. The working holsters (the only thing missing from my ML version) come from a Movie Maniacs Snake Plisken, and the belt was made from Sculpey. The chest emblem is from cut sign vinyl. This is the Frank from Punisher War Zone, big and bulky with white gloves and black boots, but ended up a tad too big for my scale.
















This is a reworking of an old MAC Purgatori figure, which is a beautiful sculpt, but I had to take maybe 3 cup sizes out of the breasts to get them to where they are. The wings had to be taken off and the whole thing smoothed down before painting. And the gloves and boots had to be modified with Sculpey. The belt is from cut sign vinyl.


The main pic here is a scan, which is the best way to show what was done. This is the body from the Spider-sense Spidey, mixed with parts from the old Spidey Classic. Swapping the hands and feet (and yes, those are the magnets in those boots) was pretty easy, but swapping the head was very difficult because of the Spidey-sense light-up feature. That whole thing needed to be drilled out to get the old neck into the chest, which was attached with a machine screw. It ends up with all the neck articulation of the Spidey Classic and the original head, my favorite. The hands were from an old Flip n' Trap Spidey, and had slots and holes made in them so they could attach to the forearms with the original pegs just like the original hands do. This figure can also use the original hands with web-slinging finger articulation, and I keep them as alternates and swap them in with their own forearms when I want. They snap on and off. I painted the blue parts. Because the boots are smaller (but with bigger feet) this Spider-man is a bit shorter than the Spider-sense Spidey, which works better in scale.



















When both McFarlane and Kaiyodo did a Vash at the same time, I knew I could combine the two. That's just what this is, with the Kaiyodo Vash supplying the chest, arms, legs and advanced articulation, and the McFarlane Vash supplying the coat, chains, and head (for better scale). I also added in some knees from a random wrestling figure to the legs. The colors were matched up and a lot of the length of the legs was taken out to match my scale better.

Wonder Woman

I was never happy with any of the Wonder Woman toys I saw because I never thought they were sexy enough. So when I came across the Electra Woman toy I knew this was the base figure for me. It was pretty, tough, and thick. Big muscular thighs and butt. I modified her big gloves and boots to get to Wonder Woman's boots and wristbands, then sanded her costume down to near nude. Then added on the breastplate and painted in the rest of the costume. The stars were cut vinyl, including the one on her tiara, which is also cut vinyl, as is her belt. The look and feel of this one is very much what I think of for Wonder Woman. She also has a gold armband on her left upper arm. This is me hiding a place where I added a swivel joint. I still need to make her a golden lasso.














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