While the upcoming DCSH Catwoman looks
fantastic, I’ve had this project planned for a
long time and finally decided to go through with
it. My Catwoman uses the DCD Hush Catwoman’s head,
hands, feet and upper torso, with the lower torso
ab crunch and waist of the FF movie Invisible
Woman, plus ML Psylocke’s legs and ML Black Widow’s
arms. She has a tiny bit of cut vinyl stuck on
her front for the zipper. She uses the Hush Catwoman’s
whip and goggles, Spawn Domina’s bracelets, AA’s
Dark Angel’s backpack and Kaiyodo Vash’s kitty.
The point was to make her compatable with and
on par with the DCSH Batgirl, who I believe is
one of the very best articulated females in this
scale, as well as to go well with my Batman. Hard
to see from the pics, but her gloves and boots
are much glossier black.

Like many other Daredevils out there,
mine uses the ML Bullseye body and the ML Dr.
Strange head. I also used the large hands of a
movie Mr. Fantastic and the boots of another one.
I ended up using the forearms of a SMC Hobgoblin
because they fit those hands well. The texture
had to be removed. A little Scupy makes the belt
and after the whole thing was painted (after a
lot of paintrub areas were sanded down - it has
to be posable!) a cut vinyl DD emplem was attached
to the chest after it was painted with the same
red gloss spraypaint used on the gloves and boots.

Dr. Fate
I always wanted to make a Dr. Fate like
this. This is much like his appearance in Kingdom
Come, where the helmet and amulet no longer need
a human host, as well as having the big collar
look of the animated Dr. Fate. Big shout out to
Bigbadvoodoolou for getting me the helmet and
amulet from the first DCD Dr. Fate which have
that nice chrome finish. The cape was taken from
a Spawn series 26 issue 7 toy which I had already
cut the bottom off to shorten it for use with
my Spawn toy. This had the collar added to it
which was the top part of a water bottle then
added to w/ sculpy. Added the ML Dr. Strange gloves
which were modified w/ Sculpy and attached them
with posts to the cape. The helmet is attached
with a FF movie Invisible Woman’s arm, so it’s
well articulated as it appears to float above
the body. Then glue a length of chain to the amulet
after it’s all painted first in orange then in

Captain America
A simple kitbash of the ML8 Cap body with the
ML1 Cap head, hands and boots. I made a new belt
for it and added one of the ML8 Cap’s pouches
on the back left side because it looks neat.

Batman II
Actually this might be my 4th Batman.
And I kept buying Batman toys in the hopes I would
really like one, or maybe planning to one day
put all the best pieces together. As soon as I
got ahold of the DCSH 3 Batman, I immediately
set to work on doing just that, and ended up with
the DCSH 3 Bat’s body, the DCSH 1 Bat’s cape,
belt and hands that alternate with the hands of
the series 3 Bats ( I had to sand the texture
off the newer ones) and a DCD Hush Batman’s head.
I appreciate the compliments I have gotten for
this recipie and while it’s a relatively simple
kitbash like the Captain America, I really do
love it, and it works perfectly in my scale.

Dr. Doom
A simple mixing of the ML Doom and the
MS Doom. MS upper body and skirt with ML lower
body. It now has the bulk and imposing nature
I need it to have.

Mr. Fantastic & Human Torch
Again mixing 2 existing toys. Reed is
mostly a movie I Reed with a movie II Reed’s arms,
which I thought looked better. It still can add
extensions at the waist, forearms, thighs and
shins. The Human Torch is the body of the FF Classics
I Torch with the arms from the movie I Torch,
which keeps the arms articulated. In fact, these
two little projects are among the very best articulated
toys I own.

Nightcrawler II
This uses the ML9 Nightcrawler with the
hands and feet from the old Giant Sixe X-Men box
set Nightcrawler that I love so much and had used
on an earlier custom. Loose a few points of articulation
but makes for a better look.

Scarlet Witch
Nothing that hasn’t been seen before.
I used the cloak, head and hands of the old Avengers
line Scarlet Witch with a red dress MAC Witchblade
toy. Add on a few bits of jewelry and repaint.

Wolverine III
This is a combination of the Face Off
1st Appearance Wolverine’s body with the head
and hands taken from the Evolution of X 2 pack
Wolverine. I had used these parts on 2 other customs
and had added a smoke to Wolvie’s mouth and had
ground down the metal claws from nails back in
1999. I love how these parts go together and I
also had the leftovers make me a neat little 1st
Appearance Wolverine.
