Mandroid BAF parts for wave 2 are reversed

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12 replies [Last post]

Got two winter soldiers and seems as if Hasblow goofed. Red skull is packed with Mandroids "left arm jaws of life"...okay I get that...MANDROIDS LEFT look at the back of the packaging showing what BAF part goes to which figure...winter soldier's right leg pack in is not Mandroid's "right leg"...the right leg is actually MANDROID'S left's left leg...thanks for the lack of quality control/confusion...couple that with the Black Widow one per case/Mandriod torso many arms and legs leftover to fill we suppose' to make armies and armies of MANDROIDS...HASBLOW?

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Joined: 2012-01-03

I'm confused. All of the Red Skull figures as well as the Hydra Soldier come with the arm with the blade. And from the photos posted at BBTS, Winter Soldier is suppose to have the left leg. Movie Captain America has the right leg. So it seems like you have exactly what you are suppose to have.

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

this is one of the most difficult-to-comprehend posts i've ever attempted to read.

Joined: 2012-01-03

I found all three of the remaining Mandroid figures tonight at Target stores here in Madison. Black Widow does have the body. Capt and Winter Soldier have the right and left legs respectively.

Joined: 2012-01-04

All I know is that somewhere in Action Figure Heaven, there are armies of Mandroid Torsos with Giganta Heads attached. This latest screw job by Hasbro has created a full on frenzy to find Black Widow. I watched some poor collector, fight off a toy shop owner, and a die cast dirtbag racing to the action figure aisle at TRU just to walk away empty handed. Good Lord, I can only hope someone will speak up at SDCC at the Hasbro Presentation just to ask why..why put the base peice to BAF one per case, in one of only two waves, and pack it with the most sought after figure since Iron Man 2 was released in theaters in 2010.

original poster (not verified)

Compare the picture of the Mandroid on the back of a package to what part you get with each figure once you have them in hand...left arm IS Mandroid's left arm is the Jaws of look at WHAT PART you get with Winter that literally to Mandroid's legs and like every other BAF or CNC ever made...the parts always corresponded to the BAF or the CNC...picture yourself as the build-a-figure...Your left leg is YOUR LEFT LEG...not your right leg...understand yet? Now look at the leg Hasblow gives you for Mandroid that comes with Winter attention now...see? (sorry no pic) must look at the back of the package and see the actual no attention to their 1,2,3,4,5,6 crap.

original poster (not verified)

That's right. You are still confused...just like Hasblow. Pay no attention to BBTS, the back of the package that shows arrowed 1,2,3,4,5,6...picture yourself as the BAF or CNC...Left arm = Left arm of the BAF...not so with the Winter get the other eventually get all the parts to build the Hasblow Mandroid...sure...but someone goofed because if you do the comparison...and pay will see what I see...and pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

*sits down with bowl of popcorn*

This is absolutely amazing.


- CP

Joined: 2012-01-03


*sits down with bowl of popcorn*

This is absolutely amazing.

I'm still trying to figure out why it would matter. Is anyone buying Winter Soldier specifically to get a right or left leg? It seems to me that as long as they are consistent across the line so that you get all six parts if you buy the six figures, the rest is irrelevant.

Anonymous (not verified)

original poster wrote:
That's right. You are still confused...just like Hasblow. Pay no attention to BBTS, the back of the package that shows arrowed 1,2,3,4,5,6...picture yourself as the BAF or CNC...Left arm = Left arm of the BAF...not so with the Winter get the other eventually get all the parts to build the Hasblow Mandroid...sure...but someone goofed because if you do the comparison...and pay will see what I see...and pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...

we get what you're saying. i just think it's the way you're saying it that is... confusing.

winter soldier SHOULD come with the right leg. instead, he comes with the left leg.

is that what you're trying to say?

and what is with the over-use of the ellipsis? just use a period like normal people do. it makes whatever point you're trying to make all the more difficult to decipher.

original poster (not verified)

Yes, that's what I'm saying...and it is not irrelevant...check this out 'yo...your buddy asks you to get him a winter soldier because he needs a RIGHT LEG to build Mandroid...or he simply wants to trade for that "right leg that comes with winter soldier". He gets screwed because of the confusion this will create amongst collectors and people who buy BAF parts off of the 'bay...the left leg is in the winter soldier package. And...I will use as many ellipses or eclipses or moons as I want to...damn you sir...what are you...a self proclaimed spell checker? You probably eat hershey bars...slowly

Anonymous (not verified)

original poster wrote:
Yes, that's what I'm saying...and it is not irrelevant...check this out 'yo...your buddy asks you to get him a winter soldier because he needs a RIGHT LEG to build Mandroid...or he simply wants to trade for that "right leg that comes with winter soldier". He gets screwed because of the confusion this will create amongst collectors and people who buy BAF parts off of the 'bay...the left leg is in the winter soldier package. And...I will use as many ellipses or eclipses or moons as I want to...damn you sir...what are you...a self proclaimed spell checker? You probably eat hershey bars...slowly

I hope you keep posting. You have some of the most entertainingly stupid posts I've seen in a while.

Oh, and BTW, spell check has nothing at all to do with your over/improper-use of ellipses. I'm going to assume this is news to you, but spell check CHECKS SPELLING.

Please reply.

Joined: 2012-01-12

There seems to be a new case assortment coming with 2 Widows in it. See