Marvel Legend Iron Man 3 wave 3?

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John of the Dead's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Say, does anyone know if there's been any word on the third wave of Iron Man 3 Marvel Legends figures? You know, the wave with War Machine 2.0, Rescue, and movie Mandarin?

Anything? Anyone?


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Joined: 2012-01-05

when an item goes clearance or a retail outlet no longer carries it, future waves are in doubt or will not see the light of day other then at a discount chain, maybe.

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Touches no one's life, then leaves.


- CP

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

So I've been digging around and haven't found any official announcment about it. But how often has Hasbro officially announced a line cancellation. Think of all those variant figures that have never seen release that were never officially cancelled.

But I would love this wave (at least the WM and Mandarin). It would be super awesome for them to make a Batrock and Falcon figure and release the 5 of them as an exclusive wave.


- CP

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I'd love to see the Pepper, even though its totally off. After Mandarin in the movie, I have zero interest in a figure.



Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I have such a hard time sitting thru most DC & Marvel live action films. Honestly I've seen better fan films on youtube.

(Someone at DC needs badly to be fired or worse for the "New 52" idea...but that's another post, another time...) Tongue

I'm delighted that Disney has plans to reboot the previous Marvel films...and remove them from the continuity, like they never happened. (I wish that could have happened with the last album by Yes, Fly From Here, but I digress.) The Tobey Spidey films were so...misguided...but the FF movies might have been even worse...or the X-men's hard to say. And as much as I thought the Cap movie wasn't awful, I did not appreciate the transparent attempts to rewrite history and somehow remove the Nazis from WWII. (Hugo, as he usually does, saved the film for me...what a great actor...he should have gotten an Oscar for V. Imagine acting with just your voice and body language...where the audience can never see your facial expressions!

RDJ (horrid casting) plays Tony Stark as such an obnoxious, arrogant, UNSYMPATHETIC twit. I always root for the bad guys to take him out. When I heard Mandy would be a upcoming villain I thought, FINALLY an adversary that isn't ALSO armored...with cool alien-tech "magic" rings...

But, no...the liberals running the studios wouldn't tolerate an actual ethnic Chinese villain...that would be racist, right? (What isn't these days?) Frankly, the portrayal of the Mandarin as an effeminate, feckless, wannabe Brit actor was an annoying red herring that simply wasted screen time.

So I have zero interest in most action figures spawned by these live action films. There are a few really nicely articulated movie Spideys, whose costumes aren't TOO far off from his appearance in the comics.

I'll say it again. Archetypal heroes usually belong to a specific time period. Trying to "modernize" them can produce iffy results. The studios in England were successful transplanting Basil Rathbone's Sherlock from the Victorian age to WWII, but Marvel has not been so fortunate. So many of Marvel's characters resulted from the Cold War. I wish Marvel had set all their movies back in the 50s-60s...more like Mad Men with spandex & capes. No plastic muscle suits, please.

Take Iron Man. These days who DOESN'T have a suit of flying armor? What makes Shell Head special? In the 60s, Stark exploited that miracle of miniaturization, the Transistor! (Titanium Man still used those bulky TUBES!) Also MIA from the live action Iron Man flicks: the "man in the iron mask" gimmick whereby Tony MUST WEAR THE CHESTPLATE all the time to keep his heart beating.

Take the X-Men. Kirby envisioned an amalgam of the Red Scare & Civil Rights movement. The X-Men "wanted to pass" for the humans who persecuted mutants. What wound up on the silver screen was just another Marvel mess with SO MANY SUPERHEROES, one must wonder whether anyone on Earth is just a normal human anymore.

P.S. All the Avengers need COSTUMES. Dump Hawkeye, Black Widow! Bring back a big red, Giant-Man! Please put a helmet on Thor, and I miss his Shakespearian dialect. The Hulk is really unworkable as an Avenger...better as a misunderstood bad guy, IMO...

Tyga Toys's picture
Joined: 2014-05-09

Unfortunately, that wave was cancelled. A Mandarin figure would have been cool...

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