I loved Avengers. It is so good. What do you think? Is DC chompping at the bit now to create a JLA with Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman?
I'm not chomping at the bit for DC to try. Based on their efforts with single characters that have underwhelmed (Green Lantern and Superman Returns) they aren't capable of doing a group movie.
They need to prove they can make good movies with several characters before I want to see them together.
I agree. I think the reason Avengers did so well, is they choose a person who understood that making a good movie was more important than making a block buster for money. Make a good movie and the money will follow. For example John Carter of Mars cost 200 million and did terribel. I have a feeling it was because they tried to make a block buster money making franchise instead of a good movie.
I don't know if I'd even see a Justice League film (at least not at a theater). Personally, although I enjoy The Dark Knight, I don't feel that there's been a really well-made DC film since Richard Donner's Superman (and I totally admit that that film's got major flaws and I can't truly be objective about it because I've watched it countless times since I was like three), and I don't think that there's going to be one made any time soon. In a nutshell, I don't think that the vast majority of theatrical portrayals of DC heroes have been faithful enough to their comic counterparts - which, although I despise that (especially Batman killing and/or allowing people to die, which irks me to no end), I totally understand it, since I completely get that the people who make these films are playing to a much, much larger audience than comic book fans (especially long-time comic book fans, who, while able to enjoy, for example, the Hulk killing his enemies, shouldn't be able to stomach a less-morally-ambiguous noble archetype like Superman doing the same). :/
I do think a lot of DC's animated series are top-notch, though. For me, most of the DCAU series and films (especially B:TAS and its continuations, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited), Teen Titans, and especially Young Justice) display a nice, respectful balance of what's made their characters so popular (and enduring) over the past several decades, in both characterizations and plots. =)