Archive: March 22, 2000 - March 28,2000
Bandai's Digimon Fall 2000 Lineup Will Rock Your Digi-World |
Digimon is hot, on television and in toystores, and Bandai has got bunches of great Digimon product in store for even the most rabid Digi-fan. Read on to see what's in stores now and what will be coming your way later this year.
[Updated 3/22/2000]
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Did Somebody Say....Furby? |
Furby will be making a return visit to McDonalds Happy Meals following the current Extremely Goofy Movie promotion which ends this week. These new McFurbies will be different than the plastic ones offered in last years promotion. Read on the find out the details...
[Updated 3/22/2000]
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Final Street Fighter Player 3 Colors Revealed |
Just before Toy Fair we showed you some potential upcoming Player 3 color Street Fighter figures from ReSaurus. We had mentioned at the time that the final color scheme had yet to be locked down.
[Updated 3/22/2000]
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Slinky Slinks It's Way To Hall of Fame |
The Slinky and the jump rope are among the five toys designated Wednesday as inductees for 2000 to the National Toy Hall of Fame.Those two playthings, along with the bicycle, jacks and Mr. Potato Head, will formally be made part of the Hall of Fame at the A.C. Gilbert Discovery Village in Salem this fall.
[Updated 3/23/2000]
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Toys For Tots Founder Pleads Guilty To Fraud |
Jerry Lee King, founder and former president of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, has pleaded guilty to stealing $1.8 million from the charitable organization.
[Updated 3/23/2000]
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Razor Winging Into KB Toys Soon |
The wait to own one of the most famous action figures ever is almost over as Jeff Luttrell's Razor will soon be available in KB Toys. The figure, based off designs by Luttrell, was produced in conjunction with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
[Updated 3/23/2000]
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Mr. Potato Head: Ambassador For Rhode Island's Travel Industry |
He's been slacking all these years, but Mr. Potato Head has finally gotten himself a job: the Official Travel Ambassador for the state of Rhode Island. The smallest state in the union is positioning itself as "The Birthplace of Fun" and it's hoped that Mr. Potato Head will draw fun-loving tourists from all over the world.
[Updated 3/24/2000]
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Wizards of the Coasts Enters The Ring Against WWF |
According to a report on Mania, game publisher (and Hasbro subsidiary) Wizards of the Coast and designer Michael Fitzgerald have filed a lawsuit against World Wrestling Federation Entertainment and Comic Images.
[Updated 3/24/2000]
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Year Without Santa Heads To Big Screen. Will Santa Bring Toys? |
The classic Rankin-Bass Christmas special Year Without a Santa Claus is headed for the big screen. Will a silver screen Santa bring toys along for all the good little boys and girls?
[Updated 3/24/2000]
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More Mattel Shakeups: Company President Resigns |
The Wall Street Journal is reporting the impending resignation of the president of toy giant Mattel. The company has seen several shakeups in it's upper management with the previous exits of CEO Jill Barad, CFO Harry Pearce and Learning Company founders Kevin O'Leary and Michael Perrik. How will this latest event affect the company?
[Updated 3/24/2000]
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Titan Motorcycle Co. of America To Produce X-Men Bike |
The site of Wolverine riding a motorcycle is a familiar one to fans of the X-Men comics, and soon will be just as familiar to millions of movie goers when X-Men: The Movie is released on July 14th. Titan has inked a deal with Marvel to produce the bike for sale to the public. There will also be various toy versions of the bike made.
[Updated 3/27/2000]
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Silicon Valley Becoming A LEGO Mindstorms Stronghold |
Just about everyone loves Lego, and the Lego Mindstorms programmable building sets are especially gaining a strong foothold in California's Silicon Valley amongst the high-tech engineer set.
[Updated 3/27/2000]
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MarchFirst Announces Partnership With Toysrus.Com |
MarchFirst,a leading global Internet professional services firm, announced an agreement to help strengthen its position in the highly competitive world of online retailing.
[Updated 3/27/2000]
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Pokemon Trainer Brock Spotted: Gotta Catch 'Em All! |
The latest in Hasbro's current Pokemon Trainer assortment, Brock, has been spotted. Brock follows on the heels of the already released Ash, Misty and Team Rocket figurines.
[Updated 3/27/2000]
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The Coming of The Cosmic Kids! |
Cosmic Kids is a new line of PVC figurines that could well be the next Smurfs. These adorable characters, from Educational Design Toys, represent the Sun and the nine planets and will be headed your way this summer.
[Updated 3/27/2000]
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JLA Assortment 4 Carded Figures Revealed! |
Fans of the KB Exclusive JLA toyline have been anxiously awaiting any word on the next assortment, due in stores this summer. When pictures of unpainted prototypes hit eBay recently the fans went wild wanting more. RTM has come to the rescue with a first look at images of carded figures from the next lineup. Come take a look!
[Updated 3/28/2000]
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Bandai To Partner With Lucent Technologies |
Bandai Co. Ltd. has announced that it will be partnering with U.S. telecommunications equipment maker Lucent Technologies Inc. to help it sell online video games and game machines in the U.S.
[Updated 3/28/2000]
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Palisades Marketing Launches All-New Website |
Palisades Marketing has just launched an all-new, completely remodeled website that showcases the incredible diversity of cool products being offered by the company.
[Updated 3/28/2000]
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