Archive: May 3, 2000 - May 9, 2000
G.I. Joe: Real American Hero To Return To Toy Stores? |
Did you know that Hasbro is planning to release more G.I. Joe: Real American Hero figures in 2000? Now you know, and knowing is half the battle! Yo Joe!
[Updated 5/03/2000]
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Living Toyz Update: Krofft Superstars Shipping Now! |
Living Toyz has shipped the first wave of their Krofft Superstars action figures. The figures will be most readily available at California Toys R Us locations.
[Updated 5/03/2000]
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Palisades Marketing Update: Rising Stars Prototypes Unveiled! |
Palisades Marketing previewed the prototypes for their upcoming Rising Stars line last weekend at the Pittsburgh Comicon. Now, the company has released images of the figures for all to enjoy.
[Updated 5/03/2000]
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JAKKS' WWF Titan Tron Live Series 4 Revealed! |
JAKKS Pacific has released images from their upcoming Titan Tron Live Series 4 assorment. This assortment, which uses the ultra-cool Real Scan technology, features some of the hottest WWF superstars wrestling today!
[Updated 5/03/2000]
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Stuart Little's Roadster Races Back To Radio Shack |
Stuart Little proved to be a big-size hit last year at theaters. While there wasn't much merchandise around in support of the film, one of the coolest pieces was the radio-controlled roadster from Radio Shack. Now, in support of the VHS and DVD release, Radio Shack has made the roadster available again.
[Updated 5/04/2000]
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Mattel and Nickelodeon Sign Long-Term Agreement |
There's a lot more Nickelodeon-based toys in your future thanks to a recently signed agreement between the toy industry giant and the ruler of kids programming.
[Updated 5/04/2000]
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Medicom Toy Unveils More Kubrick Figures |
The Kubricks keep marching on from Medicom Toy of Japan. The company has just unveiled 3 new sets. Read on to find out what they are!
[Updated 5/04/2000]
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Gundam Wing: Mobile Suits in Action Coming This Fall |
Gundam is red-hot right now, thanks in large part to the success of Gundam Wing airing on the Cartoon Network. The show has been one of the networks highest rated programs, and Gundam merchandise is flying off the shelves of stores who carry it. Bandai has a whole fleet of Gundam Wing product coming to U.S. shores this fall, and RTM has got the pictures for you!
[Updated 5/04/2000]
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JAKKS Update: Titan Tron Live 4 Triple H Revealed! |
Earlier in the week when we unveiled JAKKS Pacific's upcoming Titan Tron Live series 4 assortment imagery for the Triple H figure wasn't available. JAKKS has now supplied RTM with a picture of the final figure from this killer assortment.
[Updated 5/05/2000]
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Kubricks Update: Blair Witch Set To Be Offered in Previews! |
Diamond Comics Distributors has confirmed that they will be able to offer the Blair Witch Project Kubrick set from Medicom Toys.
[Updated 5/05/2000]
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RTM Feature: Revell-Monogram R.A.M.S. In Depth |
This weeks RTM Friday Feature takes a close-up look at Revell-Monograms upcoming R.A.M.S. line of customizable action model kits. Each kit comes complete with an action figure and comic book. Find out all about this cool new line right here!
[Updated 5/05/2000]
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Ty Corp. Beans Tropicana Hotel-Casino With Lawsuit |
Ty Inc., maker of Beanie Babies, has served the Tropican Hotel-Casino, and it's owner, Aztar Corp., with a lawsuit claiming copyright infringement over a recent promotion from the Hotel utilizing Beanie Babies.
[Updated 5/08/2000]
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Hasbro Winner's Circle Signs Agreement With Artist Sam Bass |
Hasbro has announced the signing of a long-term agreement with NASCAR artist Sam Bass, granting Hasbro worldwide rights to Bass' artwork and designs for use in mass market products.
[Updated 5/08/2000]
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Moore Action Update: Buffy 2 and Bender Unveiled |
Moore Action Collectibles has unveiled images of some of their most anticipated products, including Bender from Futurama and some of the second Buffy the Vampire Slayer Assortment. Prepare to be amazed!
[Updated 5/08/2000]
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Will Spidey and the X-Men Save Marvel? |
It's no secret that the last few years have been rough ones for Marvel Comics, and it's stockholders. While the company has been making impressive strides lately, there's still a long ways to go. Will this summers X-Men movie and next years Spider-Man come to the rescue?
[Updated 5/08/2000]
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Toy Vault: Updates on Upcoming Releases |
Toy Vault has released information on some of their upcoming 2000 products including additions to the Middle Earth Toys line, as well as the launch of Everquest, Farscape and more.
[Updated 5/09/2000]
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Cyber Pet Invasion Continues With Manley's TEKNO |
Manley Toy Quest's TEKNO, the Robotic Puppy will be in stores soon. TEKNO is one of a wide selection of electronic cyber pets shown at Toy Fair this year from an equally wide variety of companies. If you're looking for a pet you don't have to clean up after, then this is the year for you!
[Updated 5/09/2000]
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LEGO Joins Forces With Steven Spielberg |
LEGO Company has announced a partnership with acclaimed director Steven Spielberg which has resulted in the upcoming LEGO Studios Steven Spielberg MovieMaker Set, which will enable kids (young and old) to create their own LEGO movies on their PC.
[Updated 5/09/2000]
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Kaiyodo Neon Genesis Evangelion Shipping Update |
Fans anxiously awaiting the arrival of those incredible Kaiyodo Neon Genesis Evangelion action figures to ship from Diamond can take heart. They're coming soon! Diamond recently gave us an update on these much anticipated toys.
[Updated 5/09/2000]
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