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Looking for Middle Earth Toys?

Middle Earth Toys

Do you need just a few more pieces to complete your collection of Lord of the Rings action figures from the Middle Earth Toys series? Perhaps seeing the first film in the trilogy has made you want different interpretations of the characters than are currently available on retail store shelves? Do you just want a Gollum without having to wait another year?

The online retailer Laughing Toys Company offers all of the Middle Earth Toys figures, including three versions of Gollum.

If you are an "opener" - Laughing Toys offers a "scratch and dent" section which features lower prices for figures in less than mint packaging.

In addition to the figures from Middle Earth Toys, Laughing Toys also sells fantasy art prints by Steve Hickman and the Monty Python plush Rabbit with Big Pointy Teeth.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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