Micronauts Series 1.5 Released
 March 2003 - Elkridge, MD - Palisades is proud to announce the arrival of the highly anticipated Micronauts Series 1.5!
Series 1.5 is a set of the characters from Series 1, in new paint styles, with new Dave Dorman stickers and packaging. This set of four figures was produced at our new factory facility and the production values are very nicely done. Here's the skinny:
Series 1.5 will be sold as a set of four figures only. The set comes in a factory sealed mini-case, and includes one of each of the following: - Time Traveler Medic - With newly designed MedPod, extra hands and feet, extra O-rings and Hydra-Pipe. Includes 3 clear figure bases.
- Radioactive Membros - With "glow-in-the-dark" color scheme and clear figure base.
- Space Commander - A special "command edition" Space Glider paint scheme, with blue and yellow die-cast metal paint. Includes clear weapon, yellow helmet, clear wings and clear figure base.
- Battle Acroyear - Molded in classic colors, with deep red electroplated highlights and clear figure base.
Micronauts Series 1.5 is available directly from Palisades only (at www.PalisadesToys.com and at comic shows this summer). Palisades Collector Club members can purchase these sets at a discount. See the website for details.
Palisades is a manufacturer of quality licensed toy and collectible products worldwide. Formed in 1994, the company's line currently includes an extensive range of 3" - 16" action figures, striking poly-stone statues, limited edition mini resin-busts and more. Palisades produces products based on such hot pop-culture licenses as The Muppet Show, Micronauts, GI Joe, Reservoir Dogs, Alien, Predator, Resident Evil and more. Palisades products can be found in mass market chains, toy, specialty and comic retailers across the globe. To find more information about our products and the latest breaking Palisades news visit: www.PalisadesToys.com