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Tower's Exclusive Jenna Jameson

jenna jameson action figure

June 2003 - With the success of the very first assortment of figures from Plastic Fantasy, Tower requested an exclusive version of Jenna Jameson be made to support the second wave of Adult Superstar figures.

Tower is pleased to annouce the release of that Jenna Jameson Figure along with the release of Series 2 of the highly acclaimed Adult Superstars line. The exclusive Jenna figure is limited to only 2400 units and has her decked out in her yellow and red cheerleading outfit. Her top sports her infamous "Heart Breaker" tattoo as well as having the tattoo on her... well, fans will know where to look. The exclusive figure will be avilable at all Tower locations across the country as well as online at www.tower.com/toys. Series #2 figures will only be found at tower's online store.

As with the first series of these mature figures, the clothes are removable and each figure is anatomically correct. Using the latest technology of laser scanning, Plastic Fantasy brings the Adult Film star directly to the fan. These figures are for the true collector and not meant for anone under 18. There are variant versions of each of the three new film stars (Stephanie Swift, Devinn Lane, and Sydnee Steele) in every case and these variants will also be avilable online at www.tower.com.

adult superstars action figures

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