Marvel History 2000: Marvel's Greatest Moments Announced!
More Previews-exclusive Marvel History 2000 news coming your way, True Believer! We've been working fans into a frenzy with all the cool Famous Covers news (with still another assortment to come), but what about the 5" collectors? Don't worry, fans! Previews has got you covered as well. There will be several 5" action figure assortments in this years offerings to satisfy the most die-hard Marvel fanatic.The first ones we can tell you about are the two Marvel's Greatest Moments 2-Packs being offered this year:
- Spider-Man vs. The Green Goblin
- Adam Warlock vs. Thanos
The Spider-Man/Goblin set features an unmasked Spider-Man, with an all-new Peter Parker head (with masked rolled back off his head). The Adam Warlock vs. Thanos 2-pack recreates their famous battle for the Infinity Gaunlet, and will come with a removable Gauntlet accessory. There's still plenty more Marvel History 2000 coolness to come. Keep reading RTM for the latest! [Posted 6/27/2000]