JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS Special Edition Doll: HOLLYWOOD JEM was the first out of stock (never saw it available)
followed by (not sure on the order for Kim Arashikage though)...
G.I. JOE H.I.S.S. TANK (Shockwave Deco)
MY LITTLY PONY 2012 Special Edition Pony
All that is left now is the Helicarrier.
Had the X-force set in my basket. Couldn't complete the check-out. Ugh!
Did the COMIC2012 code work for anyone? I didn't want to risk scouring the web for another promo code.
Wow, that was a fast sellout! They've been up for, what, 5 minutes? I'm just happy I beat the Bronies and got my wife her Derpy.
Same thing happened with me with the Hiss Tank. Got to "complete your order", clicked it, and the Hiss Tank was sold out. Had to go all the way back through.
Dang. I really wanted Jinx, and maybe the X-Force set, even though I swore off Legends years ago. That dark deco for Archangel just looks too darn cool to pass on. Anyone think they'll show back up? I have the links bookmarked.
if anyone score both jinx's and wants to trade I would love to work something out. or even pay a reasonable scalp price for them but not 4X like folks at ebay are paying.
Cant believe I missed it. Oh well had strore credit with Amazon and pulled the trigger and bought a red Jinx for $45 cheapest Ive seen it.
so after 4 years of exclusives disappearing from shopping carts while trying to check out, who needs to be rung up at Hasbro/ HTS for never fixing this problem? For 4 years straight, while trying to add additional items to my cart, I actually lost more potential purchases than I checked out with. It's time to start blasting Hasbro openly about this, those with open Q&As need to act like they have a pair and get some answers. Enough bad press will usually get the point accross.
It's time to start blasting Hasbro openly about this, those with open Q&As need to act like they have a pair and get some answers. Enough bad press will usually get the point accross.
When they did Q&As last year, they had changed the format to "send us x number of questions and we'll answer at least one of them" so I don't see anyone actually getting an answer to this.
I'm curious if any of the members here got the ML set. So far I don't see any board members anywhere getting it. I was about 2 minutes too late. I had to step away from my computer to help a customer in my store and missed out. Oh well. I'm not alone with this frustration that shouldn't be frustration. It should be excitement on getting a really cool piece. But it never seems to work out that way.
We can probably look on ebay soon and see a large increase in these up from the 70+ sets that I've counted over the weekend. Doesn't anyone buy these to keep? They can keep them at those prices.
I haven't seen anyone post on any boards that they got the X-Force set either, but someone who pre-ordered it from BBTS must have, since it is avaialable for pre-order gain for $109.99.
We were only able to get the Helicarrier. I checked the site too late to put anything else in my cart, so that saved the frustration of things selling out from underneath me.
On the positive side, everything loaded up very quickly and I didn't have to sit there while the page timed out or whatnot. (Woot and your bag of crap, I'm looking at you!!)
I will not pay more than $80 shipped for X-Force set. I figured it would be $60 shipped from HTS, so an extra $20 would not be too bad. Now that set is at $100+ shipped all over ebay. They can keep it. I actually wanted 2 of the MU sets, so I could re-cut the head fin on Tiger Shark to be more comic accurate and keep an extra set aside if case I screw it up...well I guess it will be one and done for me.
I may have been able to get the X-force set today, I was in early enough, but I had already picked one up off of eBay for $91.99 shipped, which seemed fair enough to me. It arrived Monday!
Today I grabbed a red Jinx for me and a Pony for my daughter, or for trade if I fail at getting the Monster High doll next week (also for my daughter).
According to the fine print:
"Offer excludes purchases of Exclusives, SKUs H0373 & H0374 and PLAYATHON fundraising kits. Other exclusions may apply."
Due to the quick sell out of the exclusives, when they appear, I'm not even going to try putting it in at checkout time.
For 4 years straight, while trying to add additional items to my cart, I actually lost more potential purchases than I checked out with.
How it would really help though? If the person who beat you to them was already faster getting them into their cart, then all Hasbro could do is mark it sold out quicker which would stop you from putting them in your cart at all.
Nevermind you could have someone load their cart with everything and then spend 10 minutes making up their mind what they really want to buy. Which would force other people to keep refreshing for a while to see if anything is "let go."
I do think there ought to be an easier way to delete the item from your cart without backing up further in the checkout process.
Here's what annoys me most about HTS's announcing of the exclusives on their site. Last thing I was expecting was for the exclusives section to be "secretly updated" with this year's items, especially after checking that section twice this morning and seeing last year's stuff in there.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who was expecting a banner on the home page announcing the exclusives, so I'm sure others did the same thing I did, keep a tab open with the HTS home page on it, and periodically refresh. Any mention of exclusives? Nope? I'll try later. Imagine my surprise when an hour after having refreshed 2-3 times I see mention of the exclusives having been posted then sold out.
I don't know if they are purposely not announcing the exclusives due to the fact that they don't know their available stock yet, or if they are doing a half a***d job because they are genuinely that dim.
Bottom line, I'm hoping they get their act together and I can get a Masters of Evil set.
I thought that was the whole point of the 10% off coupon they handed out at the booth at SDCC when you couldn't get ticket to stand in line? Kind of a "sorry for the feeding frenzy here, try us on the web next week."
Just a quick comment to JJ...
Since Walmart is 24/7 and TRU opens after I get to work, I have basically one chance at one store a day to try and find something I am looking for in the Toy World on a "fair" playing field. In Florida where the weather seems to help grow scalpers and hoarders, only with reasearch can I beat the typical TRU Door Warmer or Walmart Pallet Pirate to anything I am looking for. In situations like this where HTS knows they aren't going to make everyone happy, then they should just do what NECA, which was tell everyone get your exclusives at the show or shop e-tailers and ebay afterwards. Atleast people can pre-order and plan accordingly for this BS every year. Besides the Minimates I pre-ordered or bought through AFX, the only other things I wanted was from Hasbro, and you know how that turned out. So next year I will just save a little money where I can and shop ebay for the best deal and skip the F5 tap for 48 to 72 hours after SDCC.
the typical TRU Door Warmer or Walmart Pallet Pirate
How has someone not made custom action figures of these? Can we get Airmax on this?
Con was really no better. I did manage to get terracon cliffjumper, but tried everyday to get other exclusives for fellow collectors, but there were people camping out at 4am to get tickets plus other retailers were allowed to shop before doors opened and hence I saw the gi joe/shockwave set at other booths on the floor for $170-200. The only reason we managed to get cj and derpy for my wife, was cause a nice lady in line bought them for my wife, btw the lady dressed as an awesome mr miagi on saturday.
Back up now. GO!!
Just got my X-force 3-pack was on my way to let everyone know.
Got my Masters of Evil, YAY! COMIC2012 didn't work,
X-Force 3-Pack is already gone again.
Warhead, good speech but it doesn't have anything to do with the discussion we were having about how HTS manages their shopping cart process. If it were up to me every company would do their SDCC exclusives like Sideshow did this year. Everyone orders them online and they neither sell nor distribute them at the show. After all SDCC is a media event and even those who don't physically attend should get to participate by either watching videos online of what happens there or ordering the SDCC products.
I was able to get on there today (thanks to heads up from Twitter updates from @JoeBattlelines) and get the Bruticus set and Dark Energon Cliffjumper, so that made me happy. As for the HISS Tank and Jinx figures, they sold out as I was completing the process to buy in the shopping cart - darn it all. but at least the Transformers are on their way.
Next time - if any at all go up again - I hope I can get the HISS and Jinx figures, maybe even the Jem Doll, because that is pretty cool (and outrageous! lol) she is coming back out. If not, it's not that big a deal, and I refuse to pay Evil Ebayer Scalper Prices for them.