Toy Companies (Namely Mattel) Where the heck is D. Grayson Batman?

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Swift's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

So now this is being solicited:

That makes three action figures based off this new 52 version (and a Black and White statue), and not a Grayson Batman in sight. What the hell?

And if I may say so-- the "New 52" Lee design stinks. It STINKS! I'm already sick of seeing it, and it's only been around about a year. Both Arkham games had better Batman designs, and they were probably conceived by some random game designer. It's pretty sad when a game has a better armored design than anything canon, in my opinion.

Personally, I blame Christopher Nolan. He proved that an armored suit for Batman could look good in three dimensions, and now everyone thinks Bats needs to have lines and seams and other unnecessary elements all over his (and other characters') costume.

Okay, end rant.

But seriously, I want a DG Batman and Damien Robin like yesterday from Mattel.

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Joined: 2012-01-03

Can you post or direct me to a pic? I tried Googling, but found various contest-type designs from amateur artists.

For a second I thought you were talking about the Earth-Two Robin (Batman outfit with yellow cape, and Bat insignia with Robin's "R" on top) in which case both that costume and the more well know yellow long-johns look are long overdue from Matty.

As for blaming Christopher Nolan, Jim Lee should take all the blame for the horrid design. He should be designing gym clothes rather than superhero costumes.


Mr. Tibbs

Swift's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Here ya go:
Don't get me wrong, I love all three Nolan films, but mark my words-- Warner is going to look at almost all their superheroes going forward through the "grim n' gritty, real-world approach" lenses. And that's fine for stuff like Batman and Watchmen, but not for everything. Anyways-- I'd happily take an Earth-2 DG in either his half-cowled Robin costume or his "bat" suit, as well as a disco Nightwing for sure. But I want a DCUC-styled and scaled Batman and Damien first and foremost. But, knowing Mattel and DCD, we'll get the red Nightwing outfit before any of those.

I feel exactly the same way about most superhero costume redesigns these days-- too many of them are overthought, especially for the movies. The newest Spidey costume looks like it needs a Nike or Adidas logo somewhere, for instance. Sigh...

Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm with you. I'm dying for a Dick Grayson Batman. I'm astounded we didn't get one yet from Mattel or DC.