DC IE Club will it survive?

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6 replies [Last post]
Joined: 2012-01-05

just a fyi, the mattel toy clubs have the new IE Club mirror master figure for cheaper then the online price. you save on shipping first of all, then they have them on sale. there is toyguru telling everyone to buy the subscription and look what happens. mattel is killing their own line.

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JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04


Did you also catch Scott revealing the 137% of goal 2013 MOTUC sub sales were only a fraction of the 2012 levels and, because of that, the 2014 sub will likely only have six figures in it, meaning the promise to focus solely on the undone vintage characters at that point can't possibly be fulfilled? Yeah, that only came out after the sub push ended. Odd.

I also see Ghostbusters fans are pissed their Ecto-Goggles are going to be offered first to people who subscribed to MOTUC and DC. This, of course, after Scott said the Early Access items would likely sell out quickly, so you better subscribe. That's certainly fair to people who have no Ghostbusters club available to them.





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Noir, Westerns, Bit of Me...

Anonymous (not verified)

JJJason wrote:
Did you also catch Scott revealing the 137% of goal 2013 MOTUC sub sales were only a fraction of the 2012 levels and, because of that, the 2014 sub will likely only have six figures in it, meaning the promise to focus solely on the undone vintage characters at that point can't possibly be fulfilled? Yeah, that only came out after the sub push ended. Odd.


I caught that as well. Odd? No. A bold face lie. Lets call them like we see them. So I'm guessing this means this year's sub is going to be filled with TG's and the 4Hs' favorites that I have no interest in at all.

El Honez (not verified)

2014 isn't decided yet as I understood it... possibly only 6, possibly a full 12.

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

El Honez wrote:
2014 isn't decided yet as I understood it... possibly only 6, possibly a full 12.

That is correct, but during the 2013 sub sale, one of Scott's pitches was subscribe now and we'll finish off all the vintage line characters in 2014. So, he either knew that was a tenuous possibility, at best, or he made promises he shouldn't have because the 2014 slots were going to be based on 2013's sub sales.




Follow me on Twitter for fun, hilarity, and societal venom.

Noir, Westerns, Bit of Me...

El Honez (not verified)

Either way, he's writing checks he can't cash b/c there are more classic characters left than 12 slots could fill, plus around a dozen or so POPs (maybe 11?).

SnakeFace being teased as the fourth of 2012 leaves 8 potential slots for classic re-dos in 2012. Minus Geldor, 7. Minus the assumed Hydron and Flogg, 5. Minus another POP (someone like Castaspella), another Filmation (someone like Shokoti or Scorpia), and another left-fielder (like Miro or Darius), 2.

So... unless I'm totally off-base with my guesstimates, that leaves 2 slots in 2012 plus whatever SDCC they have planned before a "final stretch" in 2014 of a maximum 12 slots. 14 slots is not enough to cover all of the classic toy re-dos left.

Joined: 2012-01-05

remember to voice your comments to scott if/when you go to sdcc. to me, scott is as two faced as they come. seen it first hand and have had many people who have dealt with him express the same thing. mattel/scott's tag line should be, "selling checks our b**** can't cash."