I was at a Ross today and, in addition to some figure multi-packs, they had a "berserker dragon" that I hadn't seen before and didn't remember anyone mentioning before. So some of you might want to check that out.
I have the small figures and alien figures(the ones that are about 3-4 inches tall that came out 4 or 5 years ago at walmart, totally happy I got the figures back then) and have been waiting for more figures that were cool that would compliment my collection. I looked up the dragon, very cool indeed, but I think this figure was offered in the generic isle of walmart about 7 or 8 years ago, I passed on it, but would be interested in adding this to my collection.
Is Ross connected with any other stores? I live in Connecticut and I dont think there is a Ross in my state
I believe Ross is part of the TJMaxx/Marshall's family.
Any links to a pic of this Dragon? Is it the $15 Red One? Or something that I missed? Thanks