what's the story with marvel legends 3?

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GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

i've only ever seen iron man at a comic shop. are these supposed to hit regular retail at some point?

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Joined: 2012-01-03

They have hit some Walmarts. I saw a lone Ironman a few weeks ago at the Walmart on the east side of Madison, WI. And yesterday I saw four or five Ironman figures and a lone Doctor Doom at the Walmart in Baraboo WI.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

I've seen them a few times in NJ at Walmarts only.

There is a local comic shop here in NJ that had a few for $15 or so if you are interested.


CAPMAN (not verified)

They can be orered on line for about $15 each from Hasbrotoyshop.com. Don't think you can find them much cheaper. The TRu by me has Legends for $22.99.

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

brian, i might take you up the offer.

i checked hasbrotoyshop and it's only agent/im/doom/punisher. only really looking for agent, mystique and moonstar

Joined: 2012-01-04

I haven't seen Moonstar show up on ebay, or heard of anyone catching sight of her anywhere. Have I missed something, is she not out yet, or is she just more elusive than a black furred Sasquatch in a coal mine?

Doober's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

She will be in the variant assortment with Blade, White Dr. Doom and Redpool. Along with Iron man and U.S Agent again. Who knows when this will be available. I would hope December. But probably not until the beginning of next year.

I had to order all of mine online. Good thing too. They are not showing up down here South of Houston.

Joined: 2012-01-03

I ordered a set from Hasbro's site when the topic came up a while ago and just got the email notice that it has shipped. I guess I'll find out which versions show up shortly.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Global d. : zapp comics in Wayne had doom and a few others as of Sunday. Ill he going back in a few weeks so drop me a line if I can help. It's about an hour from me so in not there often.


Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Dan W wrote:
I ordered a set from Hasbro's site when the topic came up a while ago and just got the email notice that it has shipped. I guess I'll find out which versions show up shortly.

Dan, please let us know which ones you get. I want Red Deadpool but missed out from HTS.



Joined: 2012-01-04

Dan W, in the same boat as you..order shipped...crossing my fingers that the Red Deadpool and Moonstar that was pictured when I ordered them is what I will receive. I will let you guys know but since I do live in the lowest part of the continental US, I shouold get them by Valentine's Day.

Joined: 2012-01-03

If it makes any difference, when I placed my order, I also ordered the Big Time Spider-man figure since I had only seen the white and black FF version previously and that is the version that they sent me. (It was shipped immediately since it was in stock at the time.)

I finally got my set from Fed-Ex, I received grey Deadpool, normal Dr. Doom, Punisher and Mystique.

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

scored iron man, deadpool and mystique at wm for $7.50/per. had no clue wm in my area were even carrying these things.

Joined: 2012-01-03

The Walmart in my town hasn't carried an ML since Hasbro's second wave after getting the Marvel license. But they recently had a lone Mystique, I suspect it was a returned item. Other than that Mystique, I've only seen a couple Iron Mans at retail. (I have to say, I exchanged my case's extra Deadpool and Iron Man for a Target gift card.)
Anyways, that's a great price.

Jin Saotome's picture
Joined: 2012-05-28

Keep checking Amazon.com. I snagged a set for $9.99 each when they had the sale. When ML 4 hits the leftover 3's Amazon warehouses have sitting around will probably go up cheap again before the private sellers on amazon jack them up.

Snag them from BBTS.com too if you want a specific one now.

Max's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Does the Dani Moonstar figure actually exist? I REALLY want that figure, but as far as I can tell none of the variants from this set exist and Series 4 is already shipping. What the heck?